Decision details

Update on the Heritage Services Capital Investment Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report provides information on capital investment projects that require further approval so works can progress, and requests formal approval to create a fundraising Roman Baths Foundation to support conservation and education work


(1) To APPROVE the capital budget for the Temple Precinct scheme, including the rephasing illustrated in the report;

(2) To APPROVE the transfer of £130k from the underspend on the Beau Street hoard to the budget provided for the Roman Baths infrastructure project to repair the Pump Room roof in the current financial year;

(3) To NOTE that the rolling programme of infrastructure works for the Roman Baths will be reviewed for 2014/15 in order to accommodate works to renew and relocate the gas supply pipe for the site;

(4) To AGREE that the provisional capital budget for the Beau Street hoard project will be subject to further consideration following the forthcoming Stage 2 application to the Heritage Lottery Fund; and

(5) To AGREE the formation of a fundraising charitable Roman Baths Foundation whose objects would be to support education and conservation at the Roman Baths and Temple site, with the remit and governance arrangements of the Foundation to be drawn up in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Development and Resources.

Reasons for the decision:

The capital investment strategy is subject to continuous review, and operational issues can require amendments to be made to individual projects to reflect issues that arise. All projects are constrained by the overriding requirement to minimise the effect on visitors and income, which severely constrains the time available to undertake projects and can add to the costs of such works.

The phasing of projects across financial years must take account not only of time constraints caused by the tourist season but also the potential effect upon the Council’s VAT position.

The creation of a ‘Roman Baths Foundation’ as a fundraising vehicle for major capital projects will potentially provide the Council with access to new sources of external funds to support conservation and education work at the Roman Baths.

Alternative options considered:

The Temple Precinct project addresses a “gap” in the improvement to the visitor experience and increased accessibility that has been carried out across the majority of the site since 2006. The other changes proposed to the capital programme are required to address specific operational issues and constraints.

A delay in repairing the Pump Room roof would increase the risk of deterioration of the asset and could also impact on the visitor experience and income.

The Roman Baths Foundation will provide the possibility of increased grant funding. If the Foundation is not established the Council’s ability to finance projects such as the Roman Baths Learning Centre from external sources of funds will be constrained significantly.

Report author: Stephen Bird

Publication date: 11/07/2013

Date of decision: 10/07/2013

Decided at meeting: 10/07/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/07/2013

Accompanying Documents: