Decision details

Grand Parade & Undercroft - Viability Study

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Further to Cabinet Report 10 Oct 12, a viability appraisal and options report has been completed  which that the project is a viable development opportunity if delivered in four phases.  This Report demonstrates this and sets out recommendation.


(1) To NOTE the recommendations to deliver the overall project in phases as described in the attached Viability and Options report;

(2) To APPROVE a capital allocation of £5.29m for Phase 1, to be funded by Service Supported Borrowing;

(3) To DELEGATE the final decision to proceed is delegated to the Chief Property Officer, Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Community and Resources and the S151 Officer;

(4) To ASK the Chief Property Officer to submit planning permission for Phase 1 (developing the Colonnades and Empire Colonnades into restaurant space(s), including re-opening of the access routes from Boatstall Lane, Parade Gardens and Slippery Lane);

(5) To CONFIRM that a pre-let shall be agreed for the Phase 1 restaurant space(s) before the Council commits to construction works; and

(6) To AGREE that a licence shall be granted to a specialist market operator for Phase 2 – enhancing Bath Markets, including extending the market into the area of the Guildhall car park, and the possibility of providing planned street markets in High Street, Orange Grove and Grand Parade.

Reasons for the decision:

The project will make an extremely positive contribution to the Council’s priorities by creating a new fully accessible destination point for the City of Bath.  The new destination point will both contribute to and benefit from its proximity to Bath Abbey, Parade Gardens, Bath Markets, Victoria Art Gallery and Guildhall.  It will bring redundant and inefficient space back into use for community and commercial benefit.

Alternative options considered:


Report author: Irene Simms

Publication date: 09/05/2013

Date of decision: 08/05/2013

Decided at meeting: 08/05/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 17/05/2013

Accompanying Documents: