Decision details

Victoria Bridge Emergency Repairs

Decision Maker: Cllr Paul Crossley

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Following structural inspections carried out in 2010 Victoria Bridge was closed to pedestrians and cyclists in the interests of public safety. Recent (September 2011) structural monitoring of the bridge recorded cracking within critical structural members necessitating the commissioning and undertaking of emergency works to stabilise and protect the bridge from the risk of collapse. These works included attaching straps to the bridge and the provision of a truss which also enables the bridge to be brought back into use.

This Decision ratified the work undertaken and approved the sources of funding associated with the emergency works and  was taken under ‘Rule 16 - Special Urgency’ provisions in the Council’s Constitution on the basis that the decision could not reasonably be deferred due to the serious risk that the Bridge could fail unless emergency action was taken.  This course of action was agreed by the Deputy Chair of the Planning Transport & Environment PDS Panel, Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer.


The Cabinet Member agrees that:

(1) The decision to undertake the emergency works be ratified;

(2) The remaining emergency works as set out in the report be completed;

(3) The following sources of funding are used for this purpose:

·  The extra 2011/12 Structural Maintenance capital grant totalling £191,000, and

·  The Corporate Capital Contingency totalling £357,600

Reasons for the decision:

As the Bridge has an historic value, provides an important route for pedestrians (including a route to school) and is a key gateway to the Western Riverside development the Council needs to take emergency action to protect public safety and ensure the bridge does not suffer a catastrophic failure.

Alternative options considered:

Deferring emergency works was ruled out in view of the additional risk of a bridge collapse due to either very strong winds, heavy snowfall or freezing temperatures during the winter period

Publication date: 30/12/2011

Date of decision: 29/12/2011

Accompanying Documents: