Decision details

Bristol Road Chew Stoke (B3114) Provision of footway between junction with Pilgrims Way and Blind Lane

Decision Maker: Cllr Roger Symonds

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Provision of new footway is dependent upon the acquisition of privately owned residential land. Negotiations with 3 landowners commenced in 2006. Negotiations with 2 landowners have now ceased without agreement. The Cabinet Member is requested to approve the commencement of a CPO.


The Cabinet Member agrees that the Council makes use of the 1981 Acquisition of Land Act statutory procedures for an Order under the Highways Act 1980 for the compulsory acquisition of rights over privately owned land for the construction of a new footway on the B3114 Bristol Road in Chew Stoke

Reasons for the decision:

The existing footway at Chew Stoke runs along the eastern side of Bristol Road and is used extensively by school pupils and other pedestrians. Where this footway discontinues, pedestrians walk within a narrow section of the Bristol Road. The introduction of a new section of footway would provide an important road safety feature but would necessitate the acquisition of private land at three residential properties due to the narrow width of the existing carriageway.

Attempts to acquire the land by agreement have failed after prolonged negotiations over a period of more than 5 years. As a last resort, the Cabinet Member is requested to approve the commencement of compulsory procedures.

Alternative options considered:

A scheme requiring private residential land on the other side of Bristol Road was considered but rejected on road safety grounds.

A scheme reducing the carriageway width with a priority give way was also considered but rejected on road safety grounds

Publication date: 28/10/2011

Date of decision: 26/10/2011

Effective from: 05/11/2011

Accompanying Documents: