Decision details

Future Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Development of Strategy in Response to Coalition Government plans and Public Sector Finances


On a motion from Councillor Malcolm Hanney seconded by Councillor Francine Haeberling it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the report on a response to public sector finance pressures;

(2) To CONFIRM the strategic steer in the report relating to key areas of the Council's business;

(3) To NOTE that a report and proposals will be submitted to Council relating to certain immediate issues (such as the Joint Health & Social Care Provider and the Commercial Estate);

(4) To ASK the Chief Executive to continue to prepare options for a revised management structure in the light of the proposals.

Reasons for the decision:

In order to emerge stronger from the public sector finance pressures, the Council needs to make strategic decisions about how it will manage its key business.  This requires a firm lead from the Cabinet, which is given in the report.

Alternative options considered:

The Council must agree its approach to national financial pressures to position itself to benefit from the recovery.

Report author: Councillor Malcolm Hanney

Publication date: 04/11/2010

Date of decision: 03/11/2010

Decided at meeting: 03/11/2010 - Cabinet

Effective from: 12/11/2010

Accompanying Documents: