Decision details

Aequus Business Plan 2024-27 (WL)

Decision Maker: Council Leader

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval of the Aequus Business Plan 2024-27, follow a 6 month review and update in line with recommendations in decision E3523.


To agree the Aequus Business Plan for the period 2024 to 2027.

Reasons for the decision:

The Aequus Business Plan for 2024-2027, was initially approved by the Shareholder in March 2024, with the provision that, following the appointment of a new Chair of the Aequus Board, the plan would be reviewed by November 2024. The updates to the Business Plan needed to address a number of areas identified by the Shareholder for further consideration including:


·  To capture the longer-term opportunity for the company to grow and deliver growth in the financial returns to the council

·  To explore wider public sector partnership opportunities

·  To better reflect the role of Aequus in supporting the delivery of the Council’s Affordable Housing Programme.


The Business Plan has now been updated to address the issues identified by the Shareholder.

Alternative options considered:

None, the decision is an executive function of the Council as Shareholder.

Publication date: 26/02/2025

Date of decision: 26/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: