Decision details

CIL for Bath Advisory Board Recommendations Round Sixteen (WL)

Decision Maker: Council Leader

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council Leader is asked to agree the recommendations that have been made by the Bath CIL Advisory Board for funding allocations.


To agree the following allocations:


·  Youth Connect South West funding request of £50,312.50 to support two open-access youth work sessions in Odd Down and Weston, along with a targeted group at Southside in Twerton.


·  Bath BMX Club funding request of £20,000 to enhance The Tumps BMX track located in Odd Down, Bath.


·  Shaftesbury Road Memorial Gardens funding request of £600 to fund the purchase and installation of a handrail on the steps leading to the formal wreath laying area and memorial plaque in Shaftesbury Road Memorial Gardens.


·  Larkhall United Reformed Church funding request of £6,556.32 for repairs and enhancements to its youth hub facilities in Larkhall, Bath.


·  Lansdown Ward funding request of £95,000 for the installation of a new pedestrian crossing.


·  Friends of Henrietta Park funding request of £20,000 to finance the relining of the ornamental pond located in the Memorial Garden of Henrietta Park.


·  Alice Park funding request of £75,000 to support the playpark improvements in Lambridge, Bath.


·  Active Weston funding request of £58,125 to finance the installation of a basketball hoop, benches, a playing surface, and a park notice board at Weston Recreation Ground.


The Advisory Board also reviewed two projects agreed in round fifteen. These projects were unable to fulfil the grant funding agreement. The Advisory Board have recommended that funding is withdrawn and transferred into the overall funding allocation. The projects are:


Bath City Football Club £75,000 and Love Weston Library £10,000.

Reasons for the decision:

In the absence of a Parish Council for Bath, the Bath and North East Somerset Council has a statutory responsibility to allocate the local portion of CIL.

Alternative options considered:

The CIL for Bath Advisory Board has considered eleven applications that requested support from the Bath CIL neighbourhood portion, eight applications were recommended for funding.


Three other applications were submitted that were outside of the boundary of Bath therefore these were not valid and therefore were not put to the Advisory Board to consider.

Publication date: 30/09/2024

Date of decision: 30/09/2024

Effective from: 08/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: