Decision details

FWD – Flow Down Agreement

Decision Maker: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


FWD is a partnership project between the University of Bath, Bath Spa University and Bath College (the Partners); with the West of England Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) and Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES) acting as strategic partners.

On 23rd January 2023, the Combined Authority awarded the FWD project £1,360,544 from the Investment Fund, to fund the delivery of Phase 0, as set out in the Phase 0 Implementation Plan. Although B&NES were the Grant Recipient for this bid, Phase 0 activities will be delivered by the Partners, with B&NES retaining approximately £296,902 to fund contingency, the B&NES POD, project facilitation and management costs.

It is necessary to enter a Flow Down Agreement with the Partners, to flow-down the obligations and funding requirements placed on B&NES through the Grant Offer Letter to the Partners. The Flow Down Agreement reflects the terms of the Grant Offer Letter dated 23rd January 2023. The Flow Down Agreement sets out the responsibilities and associated budget allocated to each Partner, as well as provision for this to be amended via agreement.

The Flow Down Agreement solely governs the onward distribution of grant monies from the Council to the Partners and does not specify governance arrangements or control collaboration between the Partners. The governance and collaboration arrangements between the Partners are controlled by a range of project groups and project boards, each of which is subject to terms of reference.

The Flow Down Agreement will involve no additional risk, responsibility, or financial impact for the Council.


To approve entering into a Flow Down Agreement with the FWD Partners: Bath College, Bath Spa University and University of Bath.

Alternative options considered:

Not enter into the Flow Down Agreement

As the Grant Recipient, the Council is subject to the terms of the Grant Offer Letter which it has entered with the Combined Authority. If the Council chose not to enter the Flow Down Agreement, it could not flow down grant to Partners and the Phase 0 activities would not be delivered.

Publication date: 16/07/2024

Date of decision: 16/07/2024