Decision details

Royal Victoria Park (RVP) & Café Facilities Refurbishment

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health and Prevention

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Deliver a series of improvements to upgrade facilities at RVP including: Refurbished café, upgrade to tennis and golf facilities and refurbishment of public toilets. Repairs to the Pavilion, these include works to the external timberwork and improvement works to the embankments to the lower area, the retaining wall and steps between the old bowling green and lower tennis courts, plus fire risk assessment priority works and fencing replacement.


To fully approve £98k of capital budget, fully funded by Corporate Supported Borrowing  

Alternative options considered:

Not undertaking the upgrades. This was not considered acceptable as the facilities are currently not in a good condition. There is concern about the structural condition particularly of the embankments to the lower area, and the deterioration of the timber retaining elements which has occurred over time.

Publication date: 28/06/2024

Date of decision: 28/06/2024