Decision details

Keynsham Memorial Park Bridge Replacement

Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration & Housing

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This project is to replace the existing bridge at Keynsham Memorial Park. Following investigative surveys completed in the maintenance programme, the poor condition of this structure was identified as in need for substantive replacement. The bridge is currently closed due to safety concerns and we plan to remove and replace it in Spring 2023. The new bridge will be designed to last longer than the existing bridge and cost less to maintain. Planned work includes removal of the central pier which obstructs water flow in the river below, landscaping of the area around the new bridge and access to the existing footpaths.


To fully approve capital amounting to £750k from the provisional capital programme item Keynsham Memorial Park Bridge of £750k.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Do nothing would result in further deterioration of the existing bridge.
Option 2 – Repairing the existing bridge would only extend its life by about five years.
Option 3 – We could locate a new bridge elsewhere in the park, however no other suitable location was identified.
Option 4 – We could replace the existing bridge with a central pier remaining but this would leave an obstruction in the river.

Publication date: 21/12/2022

Date of decision: 21/12/2022