Decision details

Award of New Contracts for Supported Bus Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet Single-Member Decision

Decision status: Implemented

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Contracts for services on routes 20A/C, 665 and 768


The Cabinet Member agrees that:

1. Contracts for the 20A/C Monday – Saturday services shall be awarded to Wessex Connect on a net subsidy basis.

2. The current 16:44 20C term time only service from Bath University to Twerton will cease.  An additional 20C journey will operate from Bath Bus Station at 19:00 (Mon-Fri) via Bath University, Combe Down, Twerton, Weston and the RUH.

3. Contracts for the existing timetable on the 768 service shall be awarded to CT Coaches on a net subsidy basis.

4. The 768 service will no longer extend to Hinton Blewett, but existing contracts will be amended to provide weekly services between Hinton Blewett and Bath, and Hinton Blewett and Radstock. 

5. the current contract for 768 Tuesday and Thursday services will be terminated after due notice as this contract is replaced by the new 768 contracts.

6. De minimis contracts for operation of the current timetable on the 665 service will be awarded to B&NES Environmental Services (Mon-Fri) and CT Coaches (Saturdays) on a gross cost basis.

Reasons for the decision:

These contract awards improve the current pattern of Monday-Saturday services on the 20A/C whilst generating worthwhile savings for the Council.  The new contracts offer significant improvements in vehicle quality and accessibility. 

The additional 20C service in the evening provides a worthwhile service at Bath University where lectures continue into the early evening.  The cessation of the 16:44 service from the University is based on repeated observations of low patronage numbers, and passengers can be accommodated on the normal hourly service.

The retention of the 768 services maintains essential links for rural communities. The withdrawal of the Hinton Blewett extension to the 768 service is based on records of minimal patronage levels, and alternative journey options can be provided at low cost by extending other services.

The 665 service will benefit from the introduction of a new accessible vehicle from the start of the contract.  The recommended award recognises that best value for money is obtained by separating the Saturday operation from the Monday to Friday operation and setting up de minimis arrangements for the two component parts.  The service will also benefit from the further investment during the contract period.

Alternative options considered:

A range of alternative service specifications were considered in respect of the tendered routes.  Opportunities to group bids and incorporate journeys with other timetabled services were available to Operators.

Publication date: 18/06/2010

Date of decision: 10/06/2010

Effective from: 26/06/2010

Accompanying Documents: