Decision details

In-Cab Technology

Decision Maker: Director Environment

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


By way of background, for some years we have been looking at the option of in cab technology. The primary reason for us wanting to implement it, is the Health and Safety benefits.
We have been lagging behind others in having no technology to support the route specific risk assessments required. This will allow us to ensure we are adhering to the highest standards of health and safety. We are not using modern methods currently, but rely upon paper reports given to crews.
The new in cab system will automatically alert the driver to risks up ahead. These include things like schools, low bridges, narrow roads, and many others specific to our routes. For agency drivers in particular, this will be a huge benefit. By having the risk assessments on board, we are consistently verifying that we have carried out the correct checks. New risks can be added as and when needed.
A further health and safety advantage will be reversing with a signaller (banksman). When the vehicle is reversing, the system gets the driver to note who the banksman is. This encourages and supports the safe system required.
Driver checks will also be done through the system, and these will need to be carried out and verified before the route can be started. Any defects or issues with the vehicle will be fed straight through to fleet for work planning. If urgent they will be alerted immediately.
In addition to the fundamental Health and Safety improvements, the new in cab technology will also give us improvements in efficiency and customer service. These include:
-Greater accuracy with assisted collections, as these will be flagged to the driver as they approach them
-Garden waste optimised routes, so that we only need to drive to residents who subscribe
-Significant reductions in missed collection reports, as council connect will have live data to show if the bin was out at the time of collection
-The ability to take photographs of persistently poor presentation which council connect have access to
-Data on recycling participation so that we can tailor education to those not recycling
-Optimisation of all routes so that fuel use is at its most efficient – helping with both costs and our carbon footprint


The Director for Environment has fully approved purchase (from provisional capital expenditure) from the Waste Budget and implementation of In-Cab technology for the waste fleet. This decision has been signed off by Directors, and Section 151 officer.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Do nothing. This was not considered due to the Health and Safety improvements necessary.

Publication date: 17/12/2019

Date of decision: 17/12/2019

Accompanying Documents: