Decision details
Keynsham High Street Public Realm
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Approval of the detailed design for the Keynsham High Street public realm project and the Full Business Case for submission to the Local Enterprise Partnership for funding to deliver.
RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:
2.1 Note the draft concept design, which will be submitted as part of the Full Business Case to the Local Enterprise Partnership for funding of £1.5m to deliver the scheme, alongside £193k S106;
2.2 Approve, subject to LEP funding approval on 31 May:
(1) the preparation of detailed design (including further consultation) up to tender stage
(2) the procurement of a project manager & contractor; and
(3) the construction of the scheme
Reasons for the decision:
Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts, particularly respiratory conditions. It is also recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. The approach to improving air pollution is by traffic and transport improvement measures. Consequently a temporary one-way system was introduced in Keynsham town centre in May 2017. This has seen a reduction in air pollution levels to within European health guidelines and as a result, the Council has made the one-way scheme permanent.
Improvements to the public realm were highlighted as a priority during consultations that informed the Keynsham Town Plan, Keynsham Transport Strategy & the B&NES Placemaking Plan. The January 2018 consultation further reinforced the importance of these improvements to local people.
As a result of this feedback, B&NES allocated funding to draw up a scheme of public realm improvements, which will be submitted to the LEP on 18th March 2019, to pay for the work.
The main element of this programme is to implement a permanent one way High Street which dedicates space to walking and cycling, transforms the public realm and creates a town centre which has a healthy economy and environment.
Alternative options considered:
Removal of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order and revert to a two-way road. This option was discounted because it is likely that this would cause the air quality to deteriorate to a point where the NO2 particles were higher than the objective level again.
Transition from an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to a Traffic Regulation Order without delivering a comprehensive public realm scheme. This option was discounted because the one-way trial public consultation showed that respondents would like to see public realm improvements in the town centre, and the current scheme materials are temporary (e.g. rubber kerbs) with a limited life span
The delivery of a comprehensive public realm improvement scheme would address issues raised in the consultation process, including the need for a new scheme to support the town centre economy and those with accessibility issues. It is important as it is key that the High Street public realm is improved prior to development of Strategic Development Locations (SDLs) detailed in the West of England Joint Spatial Plan.
Report author: Caroline Lightfoot
Publication date: 06/02/2019
Date of decision: 06/02/2019
Decided at meeting: 06/02/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 14/02/2019
Accompanying Documents: