Decision details

Connecting Communities: A Local Engagement Framework for Bath & North East Somerset

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report provides an update on the Council's framework for working with local communities in the context of our aim to be a listening Council with active citizens that reaches every community and culture


(1) To ADOPT the “Connecting Communities Framework” set out in Appendix One, along with other public service partners working through the Public Services Board;

(2) To REQUEST officers to begin the implementation of the framework through widely publicising the “Core Offer” set out in the “Connecting Communities Toolkit”;

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director, Policy and Partnerships in consultation with the Council Leader the detailed plans for implementing the “Local Offer” set out in the “Connecting Communities Toolkit”;

(4) To REQUEST the Divisional Director, Policy and Partnerships to work with local groups and communities to keep updated the Connecting Communities Toolkit in order to share good practice in local communities;

(5) To NOTE the Draft Action Plan set out in Appendix Three of the report; and

(6) To REQUEST a further report in 6 months updating on progress in implementing Connecting Communities.

Reasons for the decision:

It is now timely, given the Council’s refreshed Vision and Values, for a clear statement of the approach it will take to working with local communities. Working with public services through the Public Service Board is considered the most appropriate way of creating greater clarity and reducing duplication. Given the diverse nature of our local communities it is also considered appropriate that this be seen as a “Framework” which can be adopted in local circumstances.

Alternative options considered:

·  To adopt a “Council-only” Local Engagement Framework without working with other public services

·  To continue with the status quo

Report author: Andy Thomas

Publication date: 09/05/2013

Date of decision: 08/05/2013

Decided at meeting: 08/05/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 17/05/2013

Accompanying Documents: