Decision details

Radstock Nursery Accommodation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Works to separate Radstock Nursery accommodation from Academy of Trinity School, Woodborough Lane for nursery and children centre activities, and to provide purpose built modular building for 2-3 yr old and baby day care on another site


(1) To APPROVE a Capital budget of £486k for inclusion in the 2012/13 Capital programme to allow the necessary works to be undertaken;

(2) To AGREE that the project cost of £486k in 2012/13 and will be funded using part of the £2.255m Schools Capital Maintenance Grant 2011/12, which has been carried forward to 2012/13 in the budget report for provisional approval; and

(3) To NOTE that as the capital project will be fully grant funded there will be no grant revenue impacts on the Council.

Reasons for the decision:

The Sure Start capital grant requires 3-4 hours of childcare daily to be made available which is to be concentrated in Radstock Nursery accommodation on Woodborough Lane which can easily accommodate this without incurring costs of extra building on an already constrained site and much reduces disruption to all users.  Provision of 2-3 yr old and baby day care in a separate purpose built facility will better meet current demand and be flexible for growth in numbers or future changes to childcare provision and complement existing provision in Radstock.

Alternative options considered:

Other locations in the Radstock area were considered and investigated but were either unsuitable, unavailable within the time scale or not in the councils ownership.

Report author: Fiona Randle

Publication date: 14/06/2012

Date of decision: 13/06/2012

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/06/2012

Accompanying Documents: