Decision details

Street Lighting - Conversion of LED Street Lights

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This initiative will enable half the Councils Street Lighting assets to be converted to modern LED technology. Which will bring significant longer term benefit resulting in a reductions in:- energy usage, carbon emissions and maintenance costs.


(1) To APPROVE the budget of £2m for this project for spend in 2012/13;

(2) To AGREE the programme to convert all main road lights to LED source during 2012-2013; and

(3) To AGREE the use of optimised multi-staged dimming profiles for use on both main roads and within residential streets to maximise savings and ensure such localities remain lit to appropriate levels.

Reasons for the decision:

Utilising LED technology will substantially reduce carbon emissions whilst the lights remain operational throughout the hours of darkness.  By utilising optimised static dimming profiles the levels of light deployed throughout the night in all localities can be tuned to reflect varying social needs though considering the activity and or use of the space lit whilst ensuring future revenue cost controls are carbon savings are maximised.

Alternative options considered:


A project was undertaken last year in Swindon where four hundred lights were turned off, this resulted in significant social pressure from the communities affected and this year all lights have been restored back into operational service, the trial being clearly acknowledged as a disappointment which cost the Council more to re-commission the lights than the savings made.


Has been considered however longer term views suggest this solution may well saves carbon emissions at the same time as placing the streets into darkness, more importantly this option has not realise the substantive savings claimed.  This being because the periods when the lights are required relate directly to when the largest demands for electricity exists.  Authorities already choosing this path are now seeing substantial rises in their energy rates where part night lighting is deployed.


Existing units may be converted to dimming technology, however due to the way discharge lighting operates the power losses are not linear as with modern LED technology so savings and carbon reduction are less.  Projected maintenance savings would be less due to the on-going need to maintain planned lamp replacements.

Publication date: 14/06/2012

Date of decision: 13/06/2012

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/06/2012

Accompanying Documents: