Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th June, 2004

Report to Executive

4-Monthly Performance Report


June 2004

Reporting Area

Community Safety

Lead Director

Jane Ashman


The Local Authority has a duty to work in partnership with the Police and others including Health and Probation to reduce crime and disorder in the district. This includes the duty to produce an audit of crime and disorder issues and a three-year strategy. This duty is discharged through the Community Safety Partnership, for which the Council provides the main support through its Community Safety Team. The Authority also has a duty under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act to take into account in all its decisions the impact on crime and disorder. This duty applies to all council services, although the community safety team have an advisory and support role.

The Local Authority is also a partner in the Drug Action Team (DAT). The DAT is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and monitoring the delivery of the national anti-drugs strategy. This strategy has four main objectives: to reduce problem substance misuse by young people, to increase access to treatment for people with substance misuse problems, to reduce drug-related crime, and to reduce the impact of drugs issues on local communities.

The Community Safety Team and Social Services Finance Team provide the main officer support for the DAT. These teams administer not only Council monies but also Partnership monies for both the DAT and Community Safety. The Police also administer funds on behalf of the Community Safety Partnership. All initiatives are funded under Community Safety and DAT are strategically linked and appropriate for this report.

The work of the Community Safety and DAT teams often supports partner organisation working within this field or is delivered through partnership arrangements and therefore other providers, not under the Councils controls, may appear on this report (in italics). Both teams now come under the management of the Community Cohesion Unit which also houses the Corporate Equalities team and Corporate Voluntary Sector Funding.

Glossary of abbreviations: DAT - drug action team; CSOG - Community Safety Operations Group; CS - Community Safety; DV - Domestic Violence; CCU - Community Cohesion Unit; ASB - Anti-social Behaviour; PCSO - Police Community Support Officer; GOSW - Government Office South West; SW - South West; RAG - Responsible Authorities Group; PARH Partnership against Racial Harassment; PADV - Partnership against Domestic Violence; CCU - Community Cohesion Unit; CJIP - Criminal Justice Intervention Programme, CSRO - Community Safety Research Officer, SDO - DAT Service Development Officer, JCO - DAT Joint Commissioning Officer, LDO - Community Safety Local Development Officer.

1. Progress / Issue Reporting


Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


Updates on previous report

· The Partnership Self Assessment framework and Improvement Plan has been completed and submitted

· Partnership members are currently being consulted on proposals for a revised more integrated structure.

Group Manager CCU

July 04


· The Community Safety Action Plan 2004-5 has been completed



· Contracts for all drug treatment services now in place. Significant reduction in waiting times already noted






New items





New items

· An new post of Anti Social Behaviour Co-ordinator became operational in March 2004 to act as referral point for all cases of ASB and will ensure that the process in managed in accordance with agreed procedures

· Protocols for agreeing ASBOs between agencies to be updated to reflect new legislation

ASB co-ordinator






Partnership & Resources

Updates on previous report

· A successful Excellence in Action dinner was held for members of Community Safety Action Groups to share good practice



· The Partnership Against Domestic Violence PADV is reviewing its Action Plan and assessing gaps in service provision, in line with a strategy of Protection, Provision and Prevention


DV Co-ordinator

Sept 04


· PADV organised four multi agency training sessions on domestic abuse which were evaluated as successful

· Funding has been given to run a rolling programme of multi agency training

DV Co-ordinator

March 05

Partnership & Resources

New items

· A new service for young people with Drug, alcohol or other substance misuse needs is in the process of being commissioned from Involve, a leading national service provider



Sept 04


· Funding has been agreed for the Taxi Marshall Service, and a contract issued to deliver the service for the coming year



· The Partnership Against Racial Harassment has agreed in principle a proposal to widen its remit to cover all forms of hate crime

· Details of the structure and membership of the new partnership are currently being discussed.

Group manager CCU

July 04


· PADV has increased its membership, and reviewed the format of its meetings. It has links with a range of wider strategic groups and will be distributing a bi-monthly bulletin



· The Drug Action Team supported Bath and North East Somerset Racial Equality Council in a successful bid to undertake research into the needs of black and ethnic minority communities around substance misuse.

· Further funding is being sought to extend the project


Sept 04


· Two new Community Safety Action Groups are starting in Keynsham, and planning is taking place for a group in Midsomer Norton



Sept 04

Oct 04


· A resource pack for Community Safety Action Groups has been launched



· 15 Elder Aware sessions have been held and 500 packs distributed. A further 10 sessions are planned between June and October and a project evaluation is shortly to be published.



Oct 04


· Community Safety Action Groups are being invited to bid for capital funding for one off project to improve community safety, using Home Office funding.



3 rounds

July, Sept, Dec 04

Policy and Strategy

Updates on previous report

· Good progress is being made in establishing the newly commissioned drug and alcohol services




· There has been significant progress in working towards national waiting times for drug treatment






Policy and Strategy

New items

· New powers to control alcohol related anti social behaviour were agreed by the Council in March and came into effect in April 2004. The immediate impact has been a reduction in street drinking in main hotspots although there has been some displacement to other areas.

· Consultation is taking place with a number of parishes to see if they would like to adopt powers to control street drinking. Evidence is needed of anti social behaviour involving over 18s as the Police already have powers to seize alcohol from under 18s.

Team Manager CS/DAT

July 04


· A new service, the Criminal Justice Intervention Team was established in April to improve access to drug treatment for people in the criminal justice system in order to reduce reoffending



· A range of measures to tackle vehicle crime including the Covert Capture Car and work by Parking Services staff and community wardens have seen a significant reduction in theft of and theft from motor vehicles







Updates on previous report

· The Fire Service have organised a number of events to promote their community role, including the opening of a new resource at Bath Fire Station




New items

· Work has commenced on the Community Safety and Drugs Audit 2002-5



March 05


· The team worked with other colleagues in the Council, Somer and the Police to organise a number of successful community clean up events under the banner `Leap into Action'
