Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th June, 2004


Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




30th June 2004



Bristol/Bath to South Coast Study








List of attachments to this report:



1.1 The Government Office for the South West (GOSW) have carried out an extensive study into strategic transport provision in the area, and the impact it has in Bath. A range of measures for improvement have been put forward in the study, and the Executive are asked to agree that further work should be undertaken on these proposals as set out in the recommendations below.

1.2 Members are also asked to consider this report in the context of the four ex-Avon authorities putting in a Joint Local Transport Plan in July 2005.


The Council Executive is asked to agree that:

2.1 Officers will undertake further feasibility and assessment work on the range of potential measures as listed in paragraph 4.1.

2.2 Officers will report back to a future meeting of the Council Executive, early in the New Year, with the results of this work, so that a decision can be made as to which measures should be the subject of a bid to Government for financial support in the next Local Transport Plan.

2.3 Officers work together with their counterparts in the other three ex-Avon Unitary Authorities with a view to producing a Joint Local Transport Plan (LTP).


3.1 An allocation of £400,000 is included in the Transportation Capital Programme for 2004/05 for development of a Bath Package for the next LTP. This will be sufficient to carry out the feasibility and assessment work required.

3.2 The analysis of the proposals will include a financial analysis.


4.1 The Government Office for the South West (GOSW) have carried out an extensive study into strategic transport provision in the area, and the impact it has in Bath. It is important that the Council evaluates in detail these proposals so that Members can decide which to support for inclusion in the next LTP. The study broadly recommends the following measures to address the transport problems in the A36/A46 corridor local to Bath:-

(1) That? Bath and North East Somerset Council should, subject to satisfactory environmental assessments, expand the existing Park & Ride provision at Newbridge, Oddown and Lansdown. The proposed P&R site at Lambridge should, subject to obtaining the necessary planning permission, be built at the earliest opportunity and the potential to expand it be examined to accommodate the additional demand that will arise were the Link Road to be built;

(2) That? Bath and North East Somerset Council should continue to investigate demand management measures, including a possible alternative road user charging cordon. These options should be tested in their own right as well as part of a package of measures to prevent induced traffic taking the place of that removed by a link road;

(3) That Bath and North East Somerset Council should progress a full appraisal, including environmental assessment, of the A36/A46 Link Road;

(4) That? Bath and North East Somerset Council, in conjunction with local bus operators, improve local commuter services through Quality Partnerships, and if need be Quality Contracts;

(5) That? Bath and North East Somerset Council seek a partner to work with to address the need to improve public transport facilities and provide better integration between the bus and rail stations. It may be that the major bus and or train operator would be prepared to work with the Council to produce a Major Scheme for the next LTP;

(6) Particular opportunities are presented with the additional demand that could arise through Bath Spa Station as a consequence of the rail capacity improvements highlighted;

(7) The? Strategic Rail Authority be requested to increase the frequency of train services on the Bristol-Bath-Salisbury-Southampton line to 2 trains per hour, and lengthen trains to provide further capacity and opportunities for 'quiet' carriages and reduced crowding.

4.2 The GOSW Study states that it will be for Bath and North East Somerset Council to determine the detail of phasing, bearing in mind that proposals like the Link Road have a long lead-in time. It suggests there would be advantages in promoting relatively "quick wins" such as Park & Ride, the necessary orders to capture the benefits of traffic reductions, and developing a partnering arrangement for implementation of public transport infrastructure improvements.

4.3 The study was requested by this Council and the Regional Assembly following the Government's decision to de-trunk the A36 / A46 route. The Regional assembly considered the consultants recommendations at their meeting on 30th April 2004. The Assembly supported the recommendations.

4.4 The GOSW study also made recommendations relating to the strategic routing of traffic between the South Coast and Bath. This involves a number of other highway authorities and their support for any proposals will be required if they are to be effective. Plans to sign heavy goods vehicles onto more suitable routes will require support from South Coast authorities and the Highways Agency. Wiltshire County Council has a number of roads proposals supported through the study which will need to be considered in our assessment. Close working with Wiltshire throughout the further work is critical.

4.5 The further assessment work will need to look at the impact of any proposals on the wider community within Bath and North East Somerset and not just Bath.


4.7 Following recent meetings between officers and the Director General of the Department for Transport (DfT) it is clear that the four ex-Avon authorities have to work more closely together on transportation issues, and that a Joint Local Transport Plan has to be submitted if we are to gain significant additional funds for transport.

4.8 This revised Local Transport Plan will cover the years 2006/2011 and will need to include a package bid for Bath if funding is to be made available. The Plan will also be subject to Full Council approval because it will be a revision to the Council's Transport policy. Approval from Council is required before submission in July 2005. Recommendations relating to the Joint Local Transport Plan will be developed by the Sub Regional Partnership prior to approval following the usual process through to Full Council.

4.9 Initial work has started with the other Unitary Authorities in the form of "Shared Priorities" work as requested by the DfT. A joint team is being established to move this forward to meet the very tight timescale required.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


1.1 The further work proposed in section 4.1 of this report will enable a bid for financial support to be submitted in the Local Transport Plan July 2005 submission.


These will be explored in the further work proposed in section 4.1.


8.1 The further work proposed in Section 4.1 will include public consultation.

8.2 The Local Transport Plan will be subject to comprehensive consultation before submission in July 2005.

Contact person

Steve Howell & David Anderson ext 5239

Background papers

Bristol/Bath to South Coast Study: Final Report - The City of Bath (available in Group rooms)