Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th June, 2004

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




30 June 2004



A Review of Primary Schools in South & Central Bath






Oldfield, Southdown, Twerton and Westmoreland


List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 A Review of Primary Schools in South & Central Bath - A Discussion Paper (on deposit)

Appendix 2 Education, Youth Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel - Conclusions regarding the Review of Primary Schools in South & Central Bath

Appendix 3 Notes of a Public Meeting held at Culverhay School 19/05/04 (on deposit)


1.1 Falling rolls in schools are a national issue which is reflected in Bath & North East Somerset. Examination of the number of unfilled and potentially surplus places in schools can ensure that funding is directed to where it is most needed, to the benefit of all pupils. Reviews of the way in which schools are organised are therefore an important element of the Council's strategic management role. Regular examination of the supply of, and demand for, school places is essential in order to ensure that education is being delivered in the most effective way.

1.2 At September 2003 the South & Central Bath area has, using the Audit Commission method of calculation (see 4.4), 261 unfilled primary school places which represents the second highest absolute number of unfilled primary school places of any area in the Authority.

1.3 If the recommendations below are accepted and with them the need for a reorganisation of primary school provision in this area, then a public consultation will be held on each proposal. School reorganisation is always a sensitive issue and the public consultation allows all stakeholders to have their say on specific proposals.


The Council Executive is asked to:

2.1 Welcome the detailed work undertaken by the Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel (EYCL OSP) and to consider their views and recommendations which are attached at Appendix 2.

2.2 Confirm that the aims of the Review remain a) improving educational standards, b) ensuring that resources (land, buildings, funding and people) are used in the most effective way, c) delivering improved access to high quality facilities to children, school staff and the wider community and d) make the choice of a local school a natural and easy choice for parents.

2.3 Agree that this area offers opportunities for delivering all-through primary education in line with the Council's preference but that implementing such changes at all four pairs of schools is unrealistic at present due to the absence of the necessary capital funding.

2.4 Agree that no immediate action is necessary in relation to Moorlands Infant, Moorlands Junior, Oldfield Park Infant, St Michael's CE VC Junior and Twerton Infant School. This contrasts with the findings of the EYCL OSP.

2.5 Establish a Project Board to consider the priority to be given to the possibility of amalgamating Southdown Infant and Southdown Junior and authorise the Education Director to initiate a consultation exercise during or after September 2004 regarding this possibility.

2.6 Instruct Officers to examine the feasibility and costs of acquiring, and laying out, land to the rear of Oldfield Park Junior School in order to provide a playing field including an examination of the potential for remodelling the existing site to accommodate a playing field.


3.1 The costs of the Review and related activities including the preparation and publishing of consultation documents, the holding of public meetings and undertaking feasibility studies can be met from existing resources.

3.2 There are costs of taking, or not taking, action. The maintenance of surplus places means that resources cannot be directed to core functions of the Service or the Council. The precise costs of maintaining such places can only be quantified after further detailed work.

3.3 There are potential capital costs if proposals emerge which lead to the construction of new or replacement schools. There are potential capital receipts if existing sites or buildings are vacated and sold although the value to be achieved from such disposals will depend on the alternative developments that can be brought forward.

3.4 It is a legal requirement that, if any capital funding is required for the implementation of a proposal, the promoters must confirm that such funding is in place at the point of a decision being taken to implement the proposal.


4.1 At its meeting on 9 July 2003 the Council Executive adopted a School Organisation Plan (the Plan) for the period 2003-2008. At a meeting of the full Council on 17 July the Plan also received unanimous support and the Plan was finally approved by the School Organisation Committee (a body independent of the Council) on 22 July 2003.

4.2 The Plan included a new process for undertaking reviews of schools. This process was developed through work undertaken by the EYCL OSP who consulted widely and heard from a number of key stakeholders during the process. The Plan is on the Council website at:

4.3 The Plan stated that those areas most in need of review were those which presented the highest number of unfilled, and thus potentially surplus, places. This includes South & Central Bath.

4.4 Members are invited to note that the method used by the Department for Education & Skills for calculating the numbers of unfilled places only takes into account the number of places unfilled at schools where capacity exceeds the number of children on roll. It does not take account of the deficit of places at schools.

4.5 An initial document was prepared and distributed to key stakeholders for `fact-checking' on 30 April 2004. Following responses a number of corrections and clarifications were made and a further document was issued on 14 May 2004. This document contained all the agreed facts, requests for clarification and correction, the LEA response to those requests and some draft conclusions drawn up by Officers.

4.6 The EYCL OSP organised a visit to each of the schools covered by this Review. The tour took place on 10 May 2004.

4.7 The revised document referred to in 4.5 was discussed at a specially arranged public meeting of the EYCL OSP, held on May 19th 2004. The meeting heard contributions or received written statements from each of the schools covered by this Review plus other speakers. Notes of this meeting, prepared by Democratic Services, are attached as Appendix 3.

4.8 All speakers concurred with the aims of the Review.

4.9 The Panel reached their conclusions taking into account the views expressed at the public meeting and their observations of the schools during the tour.

4.10 The Panel presented their findings at a public session on 7th June 2004. The final report of the Panel is attached at Appendix 2.

4.11 Members are invited to note the recommendations of the Panel.


5.1 A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The creation of all-through primary schools is consistent with the stated aims of the Council.

6.2 There is a need to take action to remove surplus places in the area and simultaneously address educational deprivation. It is acknowledged that the significant capital funding required for the creation of several new primary schools is unavailable at present and so resources should be targeted where the need is greatest.

6.3 The benefits of amalgamation and the creation of all-through primary schools can only be fully realised if school buildings are completely suited to the delivery of the modern curriculum thus allowing staff and pupils to perform at their best. Furthermore, schools should be located on sites which allow the use of the outdoor environment as an aid to education, access to high-quality sports facilities and also do not represent a drain on the resources of the school or, by extension, the Council.

6.4 Under the School Premises Regulations 1999 schools with pupils aged eight or older should have access to playing fields which permit the playing of team games and are available for use at least seven hours per week. At present, Oldfield Park Junior School has no such provision.


7.1 The option to take no action was considered and rejected as it would leave surplus places untouched and fail to address issues of educational deprivation, fail to ensure the most effective use of physical resources and fail to address issues of suitability and condition.


8.1 See above. This process does not envisage the involvement of a wider group of stakeholders at this stage. Consultation on specific options will involve a far wider group and a greater number of consultees consistent with the statutory guidance published by the Department for Education & Skills.

Contact person

Bruce Austen, School Organisation Manager

01225 395169

Background papers

School Organisation Plan 2003-2008