Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th June, 2004








1.     Question from CouncillorCaroline Roberts


Pleasewill the Executive Member tell me on what basis he justifies spending £60,000of his capital programme on the two headed man junction A39/B3116?


Answer given by Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins


The Two Headed man junction is a notorious congestion hotspot that creates delays and accident risk. The intention is to provide atraffic signal controlled junction that will manage traffic flows better. Itwill also reduce the current trend for traffic to divert away from thisjunction and use wholly unsuitable rural lanes. One of the key issuesGovernment have directed us to tackle is congestion and this will deal with aserious congestion problem.


Supplementary question from Councillor CarolineRoberts


How many pedestrians use this junction and how manyaccidents have there been at the junction to justify this spending?


Answer given by Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins


The problem has got worse recently and is appalling at peaktimes. I wouldn't like to drive alongthe A39. There has been no pedestriancount as there is no justification for it. If you take a look at the junction and the surrounding roads, there isno doubt there is justification for this proposal.


2.     Question from CouncillorCaroline Roberts


Why is the Executive Member spending£20,000 on bollards in Milsom Street?


Answer given by Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins


The funding for bollards on Milsom Street is a contractualcommitment from the original scheme. No previous payments have been made forbollards and the costs associated with the rusting bollards are being borne bythe original supplier. It is expected that the installation of the new bollardswill take place in June.


Supplementary question from Councillor CarolineRoberts


What will the money that was originally set aside for thebollards be spent on instead?

Answer given by Sir Elgar Jenkins


The programme was over committed and so this has beenre-directed within the programme to put it in balance.