Meeting documents

Monday, 29th July, 2002

Bath & North East Somerset Council





29 July 2002


Bath & North East Somerset Housing Strategy 2002-2011




List of attachments to this report:

Bath & North East Somerset Housing Strategy 2002-2011 - DRAFT


1.1 As part of the Housing Investment Programme, Bath & North East Somerset Council is required to produce a comprehensive Housing Strategy for submission to the Government Office of the South West. This is attached in draft form as Appendix 1.


2.1 Agree the draft Housing Strategy 2002-11 for referral to full Council.

2.2 Authorise the Acting Strategic Housing Manager to make minor non-policy alterations to the Strategy, prior to its submission to full Council, in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Community Safety.

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3.1 Last year saw the introduction of a Single Capital Pot for Government Allocations. This Strategy stands alongside the Capital Strategy for the Council. The Council's Financial Plan incorporates the allocations for Social Housing Grant, Private Sector Renewal Grants and Disabled Facilities Grants. The bidding for Annual Capital Guidelines for Housing are in line with the Financial Plan. In the Council's current financial position the majority of any allocations would be funded from the Council's own resources.


4.1 Local Authorities are required to make an annual submission to the Government to support their bid for capital resources. The submission will also form part of the Audit Commission inspection of Housing carried out by the Housing Inspectorate. The Government has streamlined this process this year in the light of the Capital Strategy and the need for authorities with housing stock to produce the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan. The submission comprises:

(1) A long term Local Housing Strategy - a short Statement, looking forward, which refers to the assessment of need, the setting of objectives, identification of resources, deciding of priorities, appraising of options, and defining policies (attached to this report as Appendix 1). Once Bath & North East Somerset's Housing Strategy 2002-11 has been agreed, a Plain English Executive Summary will be prepared.

(2) Housing Statistical appendix - a statistical return designed to assist the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions in making comparisons between authorities.

(3) Home Energy Conservation Act Progress Report - a return monitoring our progress in meeting the requirements of the Act in reducing CO2 emissions from domestic dwellings.

4.2 The Government uses the information in the submission to decide its allocation of the Annual Capital Guideline and the guideline allocation for Disabled Facilities Grants. To make the assessment it will use a series of criteria such as

· Is there a corporate approach to housing linking to broader initiatives?

· Is there a comprehensive approach, incorporating Best Value?

· Stock condition. Knowledge of and policies to tackle needs and demand

· Work with Registered Social Landlords and the Private Sector including effective use of planning powers and disposal of land

· Effective policies for Private Sector stock

· Tackling homelessness and the provision of housing advice

· Energy Efficiency: effectiveness in delivery of improvements through HECA Strategy

· Clearly defined programmes, effective delivery and value for money.

4.3 Following this assessment the Government Office in consultation with the Housing Corporation placed each Authority in a banding: "well above average", "above average", "average", "below average" or "well below average". Bath & North East Somerset's submission for 2001 was rated as average for the South West by the Government Office.


5.1 The Strategy was drafted after consultation with key stakeholders at a specific event in April 2002. Priorities identified at this event are incorporated into the report. The draft strategy was also been circulated to stakeholders for comment and observation. However, due to a technical problem, some key partners did not receive the draft in time to comment to the Executive. As a consequence, the deadline for comment has been extended and comments received will be reported to full Council. The report has also been referred to Trade Unions for comment, which will be reported to Full Council in September 2002.

Contact person

Ann Robins, Planning & Partnership Officer, Tel: 01225 396288

Background papers
