Meeting documents

Monday, 29th July, 2002

Memorandum of Understanding between The Norton Radstock Regeneration Company (NRR), Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES) and the South West of England Regional Development Agency (SWRDA).

Purpose of this memorandum.

1. Clarify the commitment, roles and responsibilities of all three organisations in order that they present a united front to the public and partner organisations.

2. Ensure timely decision making on key issues.

Joint Purpose:

Realise the vision to regenerate Radstock expressed by the local community through the creation of a new mixed-use town centre, in accordance with sustainability principles


B&NES Council, SWERDA and The NRR Company share this vision and will bring together their collective determination, energy, skills and resources to make it happen.

SWRDA's input is largely financial and strategic. B&NES input is through its regeneration expertise and pre-planning application advice, skills and other resources. The NRR Company input is that of developer and Community regeneration vehicle. That said, a shared experience and commitment to support in all areas is agreed.

All three will work with organisations, groups and individuals that share and can realise the vision.


See the attached Key Target Milestone schedule in appendix 1.

B&NES Contributions

As a Landowner:

Other land within the Masterplanned area of Radstock (see defined area in appendix 2) in Council ownership and surplus to Service requirements will be used to contribute to regenerating the town. The Council will treat The NRR Co as preferred developer of its land holdings in Radstock and if Council land is sold, the net proceeds will be re-invested, for agreed purposes in the tripartite partnership, provided always such investment complies with European Public sector investment rules

Through its Statutory Powers:

The Council will assist in acquiring land, via its compulsory purchase powers if necessary, to assist with realising the wider vision for Radstock's regeneration, provided a full indemnity for costs is provided in relation to the use of such powers.

Developing a local plan with supplementary planning guidance that sets out a clear land use strategy for the town and a clear regeneration area which will guide investment decisions and set a framework for assessing development proposals.


Through the DEVELOPMENT TEAM the Council will actively engage in the developing Masterplanning process in accordance with agreed milestones bringing the collective cross service views of the Council.

Provide support to The NRR Company through Head of Service/Director attendance at Board of Directors meetings and through this representation make appropriate links to other Council projects initiatives and strategies.

Continue to be a part of The NRR Company by having one Councillor as a Member and Director of The NRR Company.

Handle development proposals for the Radstock Regeneration area through the Development

Team to ensure cohesion and speedy decision making.

Closely liaise on Public Relation issues consulting on all press releases in relation to the Regeneration Project and agree an annual Communication Plan.

B&NES will give appropriate recognition to its partners in all promotional site related literature.

As a partner:

Maintain a close working relationship with SWRDA and The NRR Company, using this Memorandum of Understanding as a basis, by updating SWRDA on progress and the level of B&NES involvement.


Be represented on The NRR Company by a SWRDA member joining The NRR Company Board.

Ensuring The NRR Company is informed of other sub-regional regeneration initiatives and that The NRR Company are involved as necessary.

Recognise the long-term role of The NRR Company as a regeneration vehicle for the area. Invest time and money in The NRR Company as a means of achieving the wider regeneration of the area.

Share information on its own plans to purchase or redevelop other parcels of land or infrastructure in the area if it chooses to do so directly rather than through The NRR Company.

Closely liaise on Public Relation issues consulting on all press releases in relation to the Regeneration Project and agree an annual Communication Plan.

Communicate regularly with B&NES and The NRR Company to ensure progress is being monitored and all parties are satisfied with the quality of the outcomes.

The NRR Company

Develop the railway lands in a sustainable way that leads and contributes to the wider regeneration of the town.

The NRR Company will be a catalyst for the provision of creative, quality sustainable development and regeneration; practising an inclusive, accountable approach, working together with the local community, maintaining open honest and clear communication.

It will do this through;

- Developing, this and, potentially, other site,

- building links with other projects and organisations.

Key themes will be;

- Establishing a sense of place.

- Develop a broader economic base.

- Improve community infrastructure.

- Cater for a mixed community.

- Develop the theme of environmental quality through buildings and spaces, natural environment and use of natural resources.

- Promote and develop sustainable living.

The Company will pursue best practice and innovation with its activities focusing on developing best practice in sustainability.

Any `surplus' finance created as a result of developing its existing and future landholding will be re-invested into the regeneration of the Norton Radstock area via the setting up of a community development charitable trust.

The NRR Company will develop ideas to utilise profits and generate income from its assets that will benefit the whole community.

The NRR Company Directors will give their time and expertise voluntarily in pursuance of their responsibilities of Directors. These Directors are drawn from a background of local representatives and those with specialist skills. The NRR Company will pay for and engage all staff or consultants as necessary to develop its land.

The NRR Company will develop the railway land and achieve the wider regeneration of Radstock by setting new and high standards of quality in all areas of its work and specifically on matters relating to sustainable development and communication. This will be achieved through ensuring the highest standards of professionalism are achieved at all levels of the Company, monitoring effectiveness and developing best practice. These standards and achievements will be regularly communicated to both B&NES and SWRDA.

Actively involve and engage the local community in developing the railway site and any future sites it owns.

Employ a communications and public relations consultant to lead, develop and implement a communications strategy. Within which as a minimum The NRR Company will hold regular open meetings for the community to hear and respond to the Company's activities. The NRR Company will provide quarterly activity reports to B&NES Council and SWERDA.

The NRR Company will ensure that B&NES and SWRDA gain an understanding of the activities of the Company through regular briefings and updates. The NRR Company will seek to develop the trust of B&NES and SWRDA in the Boards expertise and professionalism.

NRR will maintain at all times a detailed project programme and dynamic risk management regime and share these with its partners.

NRR will give appropriate recognition to its partners in all promotional and site related literature


The Council is signing this Memoranda of Understanding in pursuance of its powers and duties under the Local Government Act 2000 and the policies of the Urban White Paper 2000. None of the contents of this memorandum are to be construed as:

a) Constraining any other function of the Council

b) Purporting to impose any fetter on the Council's exercise of its statutory powers or implication of the grant of any licence or consent.

c) Prejudice the Council's rights, powers or duties or

d) Bind the Council as Local Planning Authority