Meeting documents

Wednesday, 29th June, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 29 June 2005




Response to Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Inspection of Children and Families Services









List of attachments to this report:

Children and Families Services Action Plan to respond to CSCI Inspection recommendations


1.1 This report presents the action plan compiled by the Children and Families Services to respond to the recommendations in the very positive report by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) following the inspection of Bath and North East Somerset Council's Children and Families Services, undertaken in March 2005.


The Executive

2.1 Endorses the action plan attached as appendix A.

2.2 Requests that the Health and Social Services Overview and Scrutiny panel

monitors its implementation.


3.1 There are no direct financial implications arising from this report or the action plan. The implementation of the action plan will be achieved within existing resources and budget.


4.1 The Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) was launched in April 2004 and is the single inspectorate for social care in England. The Commission continues the work formerly done by the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), the SSI/Audit Commission Joint Review Team, and the National Care Standards Commission.

4.2 The primary function of the CSCI is to promote improvement in social care. CSCI inspects, regulates and reviews all social care services. The CSCI has a specific duty to safeguard and promote the rights and welfare of children. In making judgements the CSCI focuses on the experience and outcomes of children and young people.

4.3 This inspection of Children's Services in Bath and North East Somerset took place between 7th - 18th March 2005, as part of a national programme of local inspections. The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Council's services for children and families in Three Major areas:-

* The provision of family support services:

* Services to children looked after (including those leaving
care) : and

* Child Protection.

4.4 The Inspection report found that there were obvious strengths in the Children's Services arranged and provided by the Council and there had been good overall improvements in performance in a number of areas since the previous inspection in August 2000. The inspection report states that the Council has been responsive to national priorities and has made progress on key policy areas in children's services, particularly in relation to safeguarding, and the placement stability, education and health of children looked after. Further, the Inspection report noted that Children and Families Services were a corporate Council priority and that corporate parenting was well developed.

4.5 The Inspection report also made judgements about how effectively the Children and Families Services works with partner agencies, within and outside the Council - and noted that strong and effective Strategic Partnerships between Social Services, Education and health existed and that there was a commitment to an integrated service approach. The Inspection report makes very positive comments about partnership working, noting that there were examples of joint strategic initiatives as well as some jointly commissioned services. Particular reference was made to the Local Preventative Strategy which was launched by the Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership in March 2005 - having been endorsed by the Council Executive in January 2005.

4.6 This inspection re-examined the Victoria Climbie Inquiry Audit, which was completed by the Council and evaluated by the Social Services Inspectorate in 2003. The Inspection found that child protection practice was sound and the Council had responded effectively to the report of the Victoria Climbie Inquiry Audit, which was completed by the Council and evaluated by the Social Services Inspectorate in 2003. The Inspectors found good evidence of a robust framework and procedures for safeguarding children. As a result, this Inspection found that the initial judgement of the SSI - that most young people were being served well and that the capacity for improvement was promising - remained the same.

4.7 Other areas where the Inspection found that the Council was performing well included:-

* Family Support Services - which they felt provided
effective interventions.
* Service for care leavers.
* The provision of independent advocacy Services for
children and young people.
* The Fostering Service and the Adoption Services - which
have both received positive reports this year following
inspections by the CSCI.
* Performance Management and Service Planning
arrangements - which they felt were well embedded).
* An awareness of the needs of children and families from
black and other minority ethnic backgrounds.

4.8 The Inspection also found areas where development was needed, but noted that the Service was aware of these and making provision for them.

These included:-

* The short break care provision for disabled children and
young people.
* Completing initial and core assessments to required
* Developing appropriately responsive and supportive
services for disabled children and their families.
* Effectively responding to the identified over-representation
of children from black and other minority ethnic
communities in care.
* Establishing better partnership working with parents and

4.9 The overall judgement of the Inspection was that the Council's Children's Services was serving most people well and has promising capacity for improvement. This should be considered in the context of The Council's rating as 'good' by the Audit Commission's comprehensive Performance Assessment in 2004 (when Children's Services scored 'Three' on a scale of one to four) : and the (CSCI 2004 annual review of performance, when children's services were also judged to be serving most children well and to have promising capacity for improvement. Following that annual review, the CSCI awarded the Council's Social Services an overall two stars.

4.10The attached Action Plan responds directly to the CSCI report recommendations and has been compiled in conjunction with staff across the Service, other Council Services and partner agencies. The Service will also be making plans f or responding to both the strengths and areas for development detailed in the Inspection report (to ensure that we build upon strengths and improve the areas for development on a continuous bases) and - other comments, within the text of the Inspection report, about practice, service delivery and development.

4.11Progress on the implementation of the Action Plan will be monitored and reviewed by the Children and Families Service Management Group - with all teams contributing to this.


5.1 A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management



6.1 The Report and the Action Plan are appropriate responses to the CSCI Inspection report and recommendations, The implementation of the Action Plan will contribute to the Service taking forward the national agenda for Children and Families Services.


7.1 None. The Council is required to receive a formal presentation of the CSCI Report - which becomes a public document - and to formally respond to the Report and compile an action Plan to respond to its recommendations. Progress with the implementation of the Action Plan will be reviewed by the CSCI within its regular Business Relationship Meetings with the Council and its annual review of performance.


8.1 Staff across the Children and Families Services, within other Council Services and in partner agencies have been consulted about the compilation of the Action Plan.

8.2 A copy of this Report and the Action Plan was sent to the Trades Union.

Contact person

Maurice Lindsay - 01225 396289

Background papers

CSCI Inspection Report
(to be presented to Council Executive on 29.6.05).