Meeting documents

Wednesday, 25th June, 2008

Bath & North East Somerset Council




25th June 2008




Council Annual Performance Report








List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 - Council Performance Report 2007/8


1.1 Performance Report by Cabinet Portfolio for the period April 2007 to March 2008. This report also meets the requirement for a report on the targets set out in the 2007/8 Best Value Performance Plan.

1.2 The Council generates performance reports showing performance by each Cabinet member from its performance management system.

1.3 This report shows each Cabinet member's performance divided into a narrative section and a section listing performance progress against all national Best Value Performance Indicators and key local performance indicators. These are the indicators that were published in the 2007/8 Best Value Performance Plan. Indicators that the Cabinet members and Directors agreed require focus as "Key" indicators are highlighted by listing them at the beginning of each portfolio & also using the word "Key" in their name.

1.4 The report includes a summary, by portfolio, of key achievements, issues, finance and risk for the period 2007/8, There is also a summary of the progress against performance targets, showing whether or not we achieved the targets (`green' or `red' respectively).


That Cabinet:

2.1 Notes the contents of this report for 2007/08 performance

2.2 Approves the corrective actions

2.3 Considers in light of the identified corrective actions whether additional actions are required to improve performance.


3.1 Contained within the report.


  • Affordable housing: Ensuring that there is affordable, high-quality housing for those who need it.
  • Better lives for young people: Making sure that all children and young people have the best possible chances in life.
  • Climate change: Taking positive steps to tackle the causes and effects of climate change.
  • Independence for older people: Providing services and opportunities that will help older people to live healthy, fulfilling and independent lives.
  • Feeling safer: Creating a place where everyone feels safer from crime.
  • School buildings: Investing in school buildings so that our children and teachers have the excellent facilities they deserve.
  • Sustainable growth: Thinking to the future: developing ambitious plans for the whole area and keeping our economy strong while looking after our environment and community.
  • Transport & public spaces: Making it easier to get around by improving transport; creating public spaces that we can all enjoy.



5.1 We are a three star council and improving well. For the second year in a row this is the verdict of inspectors as part of government's Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) annual judgement of all councils. (The results of the April/May 2008 Corporate Assessment and Joint Area Review inspections as part of CPA will not be released until early September.) In our 2007 "Direction of Travel" statement the Audit Commission said that:

"The Council provides value for money in its key services by delivering high performing and improving services while keeping its costs low. The rate of improvement on many performance measures compares well with other councils and is a significant increase on last year. Most notably, it continues to improve most of its already high performing services such as education and waste management. Customer satisfaction is also significantly improving compared to last year."

5.2 The Council is performing well and 2007/8 results show improvement upon already good performance.

5.3 Of the indicators in the 2007/8 Performance Plan, performance for 65% improved or remained the same.

5.4 54% of targets were achieved, compared to 64% the previous year. This needs to be seen in the context of more than half of indicators having more challenging targets to demonstrate continuous improvement.

5.5 An analysis prepared for the May 2008 Corporate Assessment took the latest available data for the 46 unitary authorities and ranked them. The Council's results were as follows:

(1) Overall satisfaction with the Council - ranking 3rd

(2) Proportion of performance indicators in the top quartile - ranking 5th

(3) Value for money (net spend per head of population) - ranking 3rd

5.6 Looking at the rankings together, with low spend, high performance and high satisfaction the Council's combined ranking was the best.

5.7 The first year of the Local Area Agreement (2007-2010) is now completed. The LAA sets out clear priorities for tackling crime and improving local environments, as well as improving health, the economy and services for children. The LAA attracts new funding into the area as well as providing ways for existing resources to be better used. It underpins how we work with other organisations in Bath & North East Somerset to deliver services. This report includes its "stretch targets", challenging 3-year targets that have been agreed with government that will bring extra funding if we achieve them. Our performance against our LAA stretch targets shows that 53% achieved their 2007/8 target.

5.8 The Local Area Agreement is being refreshed with new targets being added and the existing stretch targets retained. Directors will continue to monitor performance with the aim of achieving the stretch targets over their 3-year period.

5.9 Figures in the report are the latest available - some figures may be adjusted before submission to the Audit Commission as final 2007/8 results. This is normal and due to the way that some data is collected, e.g. some indicators relate to costs and cannot be finalised until accounts are closed.


5.10 For 2008/9, Government has changed the Local Government performance management framework. The publication of an annual Best Value Performance Plan is no longer required, however in lieu of this the Department for Communities and Local Government is requiring Councils to publish performance data for the 2007/8 Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs). The attached report meets this requirement.

5.11 Another requirement in the absence of a published Performance Plan is that the Council publish a statement relating to the Code of Practice on Workforce Matters. This statement is included in the Resources section of the attached report.

5.12 This is the last time that the Council is required to report on Best Value Performance Indicators. For 2008/9 they have been replaced by a new set of National Indicators for the public sector. Although a small number of National Indicators match the definitions of BVPIs, most are different and they are intended to be both fewer in number and more outcome-focussed.


5.13 Achievements are included in the body of the report. Highlights of main achievements in 2007/8 include:

(1) The Voicebox Survey carried out in the autumn found residents' overall satisfaction with the Council to be 59%, significantly above the average of 51% for the Council's peers. 59% is the highest we have achieved to date and we are above average for the first time in 11 years at a time when satisfaction for most Councils is falling.

(2) New Corporate Plan introduced following consultation with the public during the year. The plan sets the priorities for the Council.

(3) Successful tendering of Domiciliary Care services.

(4) Preparation for integration of Adult Social Services & Housing management team with PCT management team on April 1st.

(5) Opening of first "rural exception policy" affordable housing scheme in West Harptree.

(6) Completion of Greenacres (Combe Lea) Community Resource Centre in Midsomer Norton, with 30 high-dependency care beds, capacity for 4 respite care and 30 extra care flats. The centre also has a day centre currently occupied by Alzheimer's Association (capacity for 20 day clients), meeting rooms, hairdressers, activity and treatment rooms that can be used by the care home and people from the outside community.

(7) Educational attainment has improved across all key stages although not uniformly across all indicators. However, those areas of performance identified for improvement have done so substantially.

(8) Following the geographical area reviews of all our Secondary schools a strategy for Secondary provision over the next 25 years and beyond was approved by Council in March.

(9) Three Ways Special School moved into its new buildings in September 2007. This £12.2 million project provides excellent accommodation for 150 children and young people who previously attended three separate small special schools in far from ideal accommodation.

(10) Completion of St Keyna Primary School. Merging 2 primary schools, St Keyna has been created to improve facilities, raise standards and remove surplus capacity. Provides educational facilities for 210 pupils.

(11) Children's Social Care Services have continued to perform well with the Fostering Service judged as Outstanding by Ofsted.

(12) Planning satisfaction increased in the year to 68% - over 20% increase from the previous year's figure.

(13) A successful £2.5m joint bid (Parks & Education) for Play Pathfinders proposing a new adventure park in Midsomer Norton linked to proposed extension of sports centre, plus 28 new or refurbished play areas.

(14) After several years of consultation, inspection and debate, the Council adopted the Local Plan. Our new Local Development Framework and Core Strategy have been launched and we completed our Statement of Community Involvement ahead of time. The statement was found to be "sound" following independent examination.

(15) 9 car parks have now been accredited to Park Mark standard by assessing levels of safety and security.

(16) We were awarded Best Waste Minimisation Project award at the National Recycling Awards.

(17) A successful bid for £25m of "New Growth Points" funding was secured by the West of England Partnership to help achieve our affordable housing targets. The fund will be allocated to projects which facilitate new housing developments such as bridges, roads, etc.

(18) The Combe Down Stone Mines Land Stabilisation project continues to achieve programme and cost targets.

(19) Consultation on the "Future for Bath and North East Somerset" ended in January.

(20) Significant effort was devoted to the Single Status Agreement, which involved evaluating 3,000 jobs, implementing new, standardised conditions of employment for the whole workforce (excluding teachers), around 5,000 staff. Following successful negotiation with unions, the new `package' was accepted in 2007 allowing implementation within the timescale set by the national agreement.

(21) Level `3' achieved for Use of Resources including asset and financial management. This is measured by the Audit Commission and is just one level below excellent.

(22) Council Connect Service continues to be extended and now has a new front office at Keynsham to complement the facility in Midsomer Norton.

(23) Change of address service introduced so that one customer notification informs many Council services - Council Tax, elections, libraries and recycling.

(24) Asset Management Plan established as a means of improving performance and releasing funds over the next 10 years through improved asset utilisation.


6.1 The report author and Cabinet have fully reviewed the risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations, in compliance with the Council's decision-making risk management guidance.

6.2 There is a risk relating to judgements on the Council by Government inspectorates if performance targets, set in line with local and national priorities, are not achieved.


7.1 This report is a key part of the Council's performance management framework


8.1 None


9.1 Consultation has been carried out with Cabinet Members, Section 151 Finance Officer; Chief Executive; Monitoring Officer and other Strategic Directors through existing meeting schedules.


10.1 Social Inclusion; Customer Focus; Sustainability; Human Resources; Property; Young People; Equality (age, race, disability, religion/belief, gender, sexual orientation); Human Rights; Corporate.


11.1 Directors' Group including the Council's Monitoring Officer (Council Solicitor) and Section 151 Officer (Strategic Director Support Services) have had the opportunity to input to this report and have cleared it for publication in agreement with Executive members.

Contact person

Fiona Venton-Harvey - 01225 396119

Sponsoring Cabinet Member

Cllr Francine Haeberling

Background papers

Best Value Performance Plan 2007/8

Council Performance Report for October - January 2007

Council Performance Report for July - October 2007

Council Performance Report for April - July 2007

Please contact the report author if you need to access this report in an alternative format