Meeting documents

Wednesday, 25th June, 2008

Statement to Cabinet by Mrs Tracey Moon

On behalf of Welton Primary School and the surrounding community, I would like to present this petition for a zebra crossing on Radstock Road. I have campaigned since last November to get as many people to sign and have in the region of 700 signatures. I believe you the council have an obligation to the safety of our children and people within our community to provide us a safe place to cross at any time of the day or night

Some of the children have drawn pictures for you to look at .

Countless others have told me of their experiences of trying to cross, which range from drivers being oblivious to pedestrians waiting to cross to people being hit and having to attend hospital due to their injuries. A few have wrote their own letters to say why we need a zebra crossing. People also ask" why is there not one there anyway, especially out side a school"

So why wait until a tragic accident happens and a family has to suffer a loss. Act now before the inevitable


Thank you, for listening and I hope you will consider all my points when you make your decision.