Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th January, 2003

Appendix A

LSP Business Plan: September 2002 - April 2003

LSP Tasks:

1. Develop a community strategy for Bath &North East Somerset including a long term vision for the area

2. Identify areas that require action and improvement

3. Monitor that appropriate action is being taken and take remedial steps where necessary

4. Ensure key partnerships are in place and can deliver specified objectives relating to identified themes

5. Attract and lever

in additional funds and resources fro the benefit of the Council area


Task Group


Progress at December 2002


Develop community strategy

Community Strategy Project Team

Budget allocated by the Council to develop a community strategy and administer LSP

Staff input to task group from key organisations

Advisory role from Government Office of South West

The Task Group is chaired by Cllr. Crossley, and is supported by Bath & North East Somerset officers. The group also has representation from Cllr Nicoll, the Primary Care Trust, and the Association of Parish Councils.

A project plan has been developed, and the community scorecard approach developed by the group was approved by the LSP on
5 November.

Data mapping and information gathering is now complete and a baseline position of the district has now been established.

Most recently the LSP held a community planning away day, organised around the consideration of the impact of social, economic and environmental scenarios. This provided extremely valuable information as to what the group though our long-term aspiration should be. The group highlighted the importance of the land use planning system as underpinning our whole approach to a 25-year vision. The main themes that emerged from the day included building on the skills of older people the provision of housing suitable for those who need homes, the provision of good transport infrastructure, plus the promotion and enhancement of sustainable business and employment opportunities.

Efforts are now focussed on working with this council and the LSP to allow us to translate these aspirations into long terms actions with clear milestones.

It is intended to have a draft community strategy for consultation in April 2003.

Support groups to act as conduits

Community Strategy Project Team

To be identified

The key partnerships are envisaged to provide the major source of support to this process. The information resulting from the way day will now be passed to the key partnerships for consideration and guidance on what actions and milestones are necessary to realise the vision.

Social Inclusion pilot report

None directly required

The Social Inclusion projects have been completed and the outcomes were reported to the Corporate Issues Scrutiny Panel on 9 December. There are valuable lessons to be learned from this process not only for community planning, but also for all future community development projects undertaken by the council.


Establish new key partnerships for: Housing,

Learning and Skills, Transport

Culture and Leisure

Key Partnerships Group

To be identified

Steve Bendle of Envolv Chairs the Task Group. The current status of the key partnerships are as follows

· Somer Community Housing Trust are currently developing the Housing Partnership

· Community Safety uses the existing community safety partnership

· Learning and Skills is represented through the current Learning Partnership

· Economy is represented through the B&NES Initiative Group. However building on the current draft economic plan, this partnership is will evolve

· Culture and Leisure is currently being developed building on the Culture and Leisure Time Best Value Review

· Environment is represented through the current Change 21 partnership

· Transport - this partnership is in the process of being developed.



Target efficiency savings

The key partnerships are still very embryonic, so little progress has been made on rationalisation to date. However, a recent District Audit report on effective partnerships (currently still in draft format) will provide a basis for this work to go forward.

Co-options to LSP

None directly required

Liz McIntyre was recently invited to join to represent Learning and Skills as a permanent member.

Councillors Metcalfe and O'Flaherty have been co-opted on an interim basis to represent Transport and Culture respectively.

At the next LSP, a recommendation will be put forward for further co-options. The proposals will be made on the basis of skills / knowledge gaps on the LSP.


Develop a communications strategy

Communications Task Group

Resource options to be identified in Strategy

Alan Ward of Somer Community Housing is leading this work, which brought forward proposals to the LSP on 5 November. One of the main actions was for the LSP to have a defined and unique identity separate from the partner organisations.

Plan publicity including Website Development

Communications Task Group

As above

The LSP has an interim website, aligned to the Bath and North East Somerset Council. Plans proposed include a separate website for LSP members and the community, however there are no resources currently allocated to this activity

Review consultation and propose means for better co-ordination and rationalisation

As above. Target efficiency savings and re-investment

There is no progress to report on this action from the LSP. However, officers within the council are seeking to establish a consultation board, which could provide a framework for the LSP to follow.


Improve support for bids for funding from external sources

External Funding Task Group

Staff input from key organisations

Advisory role from Government Office of the South West

Voluntary First chairs the group, but due to recent changes in personnel, the group has only met once, and does not currently have a chair. Some gathering of background data has taken place, and there is the intention to formulate a strategy during 2003.

Inspite of this the LSP has made a commitment to apply for the home Office Community Cohesion Pathfinder project, with the aim of developing a coherent community and voluntary sector network.