Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th January, 2003


Bath and North East Somerset District Wide Plan

Telecommunication Policies


Telecommunications development requiring an application for prior approval of siting and appearance will only be permitted where the equipment is sited, is of a design, material and colour, and where appropriate is screened, so as to minimise visual intrusion, taking account of the following:

i. the need for the facility to blend more easily with its surroundings;

ii. whether the design is suited to the local environment;

iii. the height in relation to surrounding land;

iv. the impact on the topography and natural vegetation;

v. the impact on the skyline or horizon;

vi. views into the site;

vii. the site's scenic or conservation value;

viii. relationship with other existing masts, structures or buildings; and

ix. relationship to residential property; and

x. arrangements put in place to ensure that, if such development falls into disuse, any structures are removed and the land restored to its condition before development took place or other agreed beneficial use.


Telecommunications development which requires planning permission will only be permitted where:

i it has no adverse impact on the natural or built environment;

ii. existing transmission sites, buildings or other structures are utilised whenever possible;

iii. the equipment is designed, sited and, where appropriate, screened so as to minimise visual intrusion;

iv. the proposals comply with national and European Union guidelines on public exposure to electromagnetic fields; and

v. arrangements are put in place to ensure that, if such development falls into disuse, any structures are removed and the land restored to its condition before development took place or other agreed beneficial use.

B6.26 In order to help reduce the need for new telecommunications apparatus above ground and to help minimise disruption and expense at a later date developers should provide adequate ducting for telecommunications cables at the outset both underground and in the structure of the building. Proposals for a range of developments such as housing, office, leisure and industrial uses should make such provision to meet foreseeable demand for telecommunications services.


Development will only be permitted where adequate provision is made to accommodate the foreseeable demand for telecommunications services.