Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th January, 2003

Staff Consultation and Communication

During the period of the project there has been an extensive programme of consultation and communication with staff.

The objectives were:

· to ensure that potentially affected staff are given sufficient information

· all Council staff are aware of the potential Partnership

The Programme included:

· Newsletters and Intranet

The Newsletters were distributed to all staff. These gave information on the reason for the project, key decisions that have been made and regular updates. Newsletters were circulated to staff in April 2001, June 2001, December 2001, June 2002 and May 2002.The newsletters were replaced in May when the Project intranet site was established. This contains details on all elements of the project and links to the bidder's own sites. All managers have received monthly updates through the Information Bulletin.

· Staff Briefings

Joint Management and Union Staff meetings took place in January 2002. These were two hour sessions hosted by Jean Hinks, Resources Director. This was an opportunity for staff to have an update on the project and ask questions.

Further staff briefings were held on the 5th and 6th February 2002. The purpose of the meetings was to brief staff on the Council's decision on the Project made on the 24th January 2002 and gave details of the short listed companies.

· Staff Survey

MSS Marketing Research conducted some research with staff who were potentially affected by the Project in order to:

· Establish the level of understanding of the project

· Understand how staff would like to be kept informed

· Understand current concerns about the project.

The conclusions of the survey were that overall there is a high awareness of the Project amongst the relevant staff and a fair level of understanding about the overall objectives. The biggest concerns were general uncertainty about potential changes to terms and conditions of their jobs, and whether they would have jobs.

The results of the survey were fed back to staff in four departments in August 2002.

As well as providing feedback on the survey the briefings were an opportunity to update staff on the project and provide them with information on TUPE, which was one of the staff's concerns.

· Information Sessions

In September a series of all staff information sessions were held in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton. The purpose of these sessions were to update staff on the current status of the project and to listen to their views on the process.

· Bidder's Presentations

Following receipt of the bids presentations were arranged for all staff to have the opportunity to hear from each of the bidders. The bidders brief was to explain:

· how they felt their bid would help the council meet its objectives

· how the Partnership will work

· what their bid includes in terms of staff transfer and in which services

· and give more information on the company

All staff were provided, via e-mail, with a summary of each of the bidder's proposals including a feedback form. There was an opportunity following the Presentations for staff to feedback their views to the Project Team and ask further questions.

· Staff Presentations

The next presentations to be held were specifically for staff who could transfer to one of the bidders'. The staff and trade unions were given a briefing paper from the Project Team based on the bidder's proposals. This provided staff with specific details on how each of the proposals would impact on them, details of the bidder's HR Transition Plan and future developments. The bidder's gave a short presentation based on the briefing paper followed by a question and answer session. The staff were also provided with feedback forms. Questions raised have been sent to each of the bidders for a response and will be fed back to the staff concerned.

· Joint Consultative Forums.

Regular meetings have been held (approximately every six weeks) with the Trade Unions during the period of the project. This is an opportunity to update the trade unions on the project and to answer any questions. The Resources Director has weekly meetings with the Resources trade union shop stewards to discuss the project.

On the 10th July 2002 the trade unions met with the bidders. Each of the bidders gave a presentation on the structure, ethos and experience of each of their organisations followed by a question and answer session.

Next Stage- Preferred bidder to contract signature

Once a decision on a preferred partner has been made the Council will have to work in conjunction with the preferred partner on a strategy to ensure a smooth transfer of staff. This will involve considerable consultation with staff and the trade unions. This will include:

· Joint communication to staff

· A joint transition team in place

· Developing an HR Transition Plan

· Establishing pension provision for transferring staff

· Agreement on HR policies, procedures terms and conditions, collective agreements that will transfer under TUPE

· An agreed TUPE list

· Finalising the retained structure

· Consultation with staff and trade unions

· Weekly joint communication with staff

· Commencing regular communication activities eg site visits

· Optional one to one meetings

· Manager's workshops

· Establishing transition protocols

· Establishing HR Partnership protocols

· Preparation of employees for transfer

· Contract going live

· Induction meetings

· Evaluating the transition process eg staff questionnaires

The Council has set as a requirement that staff will need to be confident in the Partnership prior to signature. The Resources Director and the Trade Unions Joint Secretary issued a joint statement. The Resources Director agreed that before a final decision to sign contracts with a private sector partner is made by the Executive and when staff have received all the information they need to make an informed decision the staff affected will be balloted.

The wording and form of the ballot will be agreed at the time when there is a greater clarity on the issues.

In recognition of this agreement the trade unions have agreed to continue to take full part in the project process. They will also be encouraging their members to do the same so that they are in the best position possible to make their views known.