Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th January, 2003

Model Partnership Framework

The following is a plan showing how the proposed Partnership could be constructed. It will need to developed fully at the next stage and the membership and terms of reference of the various groups agreed. The Council will want to satisfy itself during the next stage that accountability is clear within the structure and that there is appropriate input from the Council as a whole. The elements of the structure are as follows:

The Partnership Agreement

This is the document setting out the terms of the legal relationship between the Council and the Partner. It includes:

· A statement of the Partnership objectives

· The partnership structure and framework (including governance arrangements)

· The service delivery obligations

· The contractual and performance management provisions

· Provisions in relation to transition, change control and exit

The Partnership Board

The Board is responsible for developing a joint plan for the joint business of the Council and the company over a period. It also provides a structure to enable the Council to maintain a degree of influence over the Company's future plans (in so far as they impact on the Agreement.) It would be responsible for:

· developing the partnership vision and objectives,

· prioritising and authorising business cases,

· setting and evaluating financial and other performance targets and agree charging models,

· allocation of risk and share of rewards/savings.

Membership of the Board would include Executive and Senior Officer representation. Company representation would be at an equivalent level.

Further groups would need to report to the Board, one dealing specifically with development and the other on Contract Management.

Development - Members of the group will include a chief officer of the Council (chair), Project Sponsors, Project Managers, Service Delivery Managers and Company Partnership Manager.

Contract - monitor and report on the day-to-day performance against Service Level Agreements and Key Performance Indicators for the transferred services. Members to include the Council's Contract Manager and the Company Delivery Manager.

This Partnership Framework will be established in line with the Partnership Principles set out by the Council in its resolution in January 2002.