Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th January, 2003

Bath & North East Somerset Council





15th JANUARY 2002


FINANCIAL PLAN REVIEW 2003/04 - 2006/07




List of attachments to this report:

The draft Financial Plan proposal of the Council Executive

This comprises a covering document, plus 5 appendices:

Appendix 1 - Legislative and financing changes

Appendix 2 - Key Issues - Property Condition Grading & Maintenance Priority Criteria

Appendix 3 - Spending Pressures incorporated into the Financial Plan

Appendix 4 - Government Grant Settlement - summary

Appendix 5 - Base Financial Plan Commentary


1.1 This report sets out the draft Financial Plan for approval by the Council Executive as its submission to Overview & Scrutiny and full Council.


The Council Executive is recommended to:

a) approve the draft Financial Plan (as attached) for submission to the Resources & Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Panel for its comments, and to full Council for its approval

b) Authorise the Executive Member (Resources Planning & Support Services) to make presentational improvements to the draft Financial Plan prior to submission to Council

Printed on recycled paper


3.1 Financial implications are set out in this covering main report and financial plan document.


4.1 In December 1999 the Council endorsed "the desirability of integrated service and financial planning" and resolved "to implement a rolling three year Financial Planning process with effect from 1st April 2000". As Council agreed a "rolling" financial planning process, it is necessary to undertake an annual review, and to extend the Plan by a year.

4.2 In setting the 2002/03 Budget in February 2002, Council did not approve a full financial plan but agreed that the working draft should be used to guide Officers in planning for the financial years 2003/04 and 2004/05

4.3 Council also agreed a new financial planning process which uses a 4-year planning period and which also recognises the leadership role, under the Council's new decision-making arrangements, of the Council Executive in proposing a new financial plan to Council. The process followed this year reflects that agreement.

4.4 In the attached document the Council Executive puts forward its Financial Plan proposal, for comment by Overview & Scrutiny and for consideration and adoption by full Council. The intention is that, following approval of the draft Financial Plan, the Council Executive will then bring forward a proposed draft Budget and Council Tax level for 2003/04 for consideration by Overview & Scrutiny and Council in February. As it is the Executive's view, the document adopts the first person - the term "we" therefore represents the Council Executive.

4.5 It is important that all members of Council are aware that, under the new decision-making arrangements, the budget decision-making process is different to previous years. If full Council wishes to make amendments to the financial plan or budget proposed by the Executive, it must first refer those amendments back to the Council Executive for consideration who would then accept them or indicate to Council how it disagrees. The ultimate decision on the adoption of the 2003/04 Budget remains with full Council but members will note that this process reflects the leading role of the Council Executive.

4.6 The Council Executive has held a series of workshops, supported by officers, to develop the financial plan review. It has considered its own priorities within the context of the Council's financial position.


5.1 Meetings have been held with trades unions at each stage of the review process, including a meeting of the Trades Union Consultative/Advisory Body on 19th December 2002. A further meeting is planned to be held to discuss the draft Financial Plan.

5.2 Public consultation was undertaken in November. The results of that consultation are incorporated into Section 2 of the Plan document.

Contact person

Councillor Rosemary Todd, Executive Member (Resource Planning & Support Services), (01225) 477034

Phil Hall, Head of Strategic Resource Planning (01225) 477468

Background papers

Financial Plan Consultation Document

Local Government Association - Analysis of Government Grant Settlement