Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Shortlist of LAA and MAA Indicators

  • Active discussions are underway between GOSW and the LAA Theme Co-ordinators for all LAA indicators listed.
  • Where an issue has been flagged up, it is being raised by GOSW and is not specific to B&NES but to all areas negotiating this indicator.

Safer & Stronger Communities



Progress Update

LAA Indicators

NI 7 Environment for a thriving third sector

No baseline or historical data for this indicator.

GOSW suggest target would be 'a measurable increase' which for B&NES is deemed to be 4.1%94.

Under discussions with VCS Steering Group and GOSW. The headline indicator 'how do the local statutory bodies in your area influence your organisation's success?' may not be the most useful part of the survey. Discussions underway on the basis of setting targets for sub questions in the survey. If this is the case, this indicator may come out of the LAA set and become and 'local' indicator.

NI 16 Serious acquisitive crime rate

GOSW to send baseline data and target setting guidance when it becomes available.

Potentially will need to be a placeholder in the LAA as targets not set in time for deadline.

NI 17 Perceptions of anti-social behaviour

Indicator to be measured through the Place Survey. Latest update is that this will be delayed until 2009.

Placeholder in LAA for now.

NI 19 Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders

Target setting deferred until 2009

Placeholder in LAA for now.

NI 30 Re-offending rate of prolific and priority offenders


Discussions ongoing, On course to have target set by end of May.

NI 32 Repeat incidents of domestic violence

No definition for this indicator. Measuring has been delayed until 2009/10.

Placeholder in LAA for now.

NI 40 Drug users in effective treatment

Difficulties with obtaining baseline data from National Treatment Agency so targets likely to be set in August.

Discussions with GOSW but likely to be placeholder in LAA for end of May deadline.

Emerging Local Indicators

Possible local neighbourhood focus to target setting for serious acquisitive crime

Local indicator under development with the Fire Service on Home Fire Safety checks for specific targeted groups.

Existing Stretch Indicators

The number of wounding offences in Bath and North East Somerset, as recorded by police

The number of common assault offences in Bath and North East Somerset, as recorded by police

The number of individuals (>18) beginning structured treatment for substance misuse with alcohol as a primary problem, as measured by Bath Area Drugs Advisory Service

Number of individuals (>18) successfully completing a structured treatment programme for alcohol problems, as measured by Drugs and Homeless Initiative

Percentage of individuals (>18) with alcohol as a primary substance accessing treatment who have a three or more point decrease in their Christo inventory score between their initial and final Christo evaluation, as measured by Drugs and Homeless Initiative (there is a minimum of 8 weeks between these assessments

Percentage of land with litter at unacceptable levels

Number of parks and green spaces with green flag status

Percentage of abandoned vehicles removed within 24 hours from the point at which the authority is legally entitled to move the vehicle

Percentage of residents who feel they can influence decisions affecting their local area based on survey respondents who definitely agree or tend to agree as measured by the Local Government User Satisfaction Survey

Number of people recorded as or reporting that they have engaged in formal volunteering on an average of at least two hours per week over the past year based on survey respondents indicating they volunteer for 2 hours a week or more as recorded by Voicebox Survey

Healthier Communities & Older People



Progress Update

LAA Indicators

NI 121 Mortality rate from all circulatory diseases at ages under 75


Discussions underway with GOSW

NI 124 People with a long-term condition supported to be independent and in control of their condition

New indicator so difficult to agree baseline and targets.

Discussions underway with GOSW

NI 130 Social Care clients receiving Self Directed Support (Direct Payments and Individual Budgets)


Discussions underway with GOSW

NI 139 People over 65 who say that they receive the information, assistance and support needed to exercise choice and control to live independently

New indicator so difficult to agree baseline and targets.

Discussions underway with GOSW

NI 146 Adults with learning disabilities in employment

New indicator so difficult to agree baseline and targets.

Discussions underway with GOSW

NI 149 Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in settled accommodation

New indicator so difficult to agree baseline and targets.

Discussions underway with GOSW

Emerging Local Indicators

NI 141 Number of vulnerable people achieving independent living

Previously requested by GOSW as a designated LAA indicator. B&NES position was not to include. This was accepted by GOSW and consideration is now being given locally to this becoming a local indicator.

Existing Stretch Indicators

Number of ex-offenders in receipt of housing-related support services funded by Supporting People

Number of households who have held a tenancy, facilitated by the Homefinders Scheme, for 6 months or more

Number of places available as supported lodgings placements for care leavers and young homeless people.

Number of young people who have moved from a supported lodgings placement and successfully held either a private or social sector tenancy for greater than 6 months

Number of people with learning difficulties known to social services who have their own private or social sector tenancies

The number of people in the bottom 20% specified Lower Super Output Areas (see note) in Bath and North East Somerset who attend NHS Stop Smoking Services who had set a quit date and who are still not smoking at 4 weeks, counted according to DH protocol

The number of people (16+) in Bath and North East Somerset (excluding those living in identified geographical areas of high health need who:

o On entry to the new GET ACTIVE scheme reported that they were previously not sufficiently physically active and

When surveyed after at least 3 months reported that they were participating in at least the recommended level of physical activity

The number of people (16+) in Bath and North East Somerset targeted geographical areas of high health need who:

o On entry to the new GET ACTIVE scheme reported that they were previously not sufficiently physically active and

When surveyed after at least 3 months reported that they were participating in at least the recommended level of physical activity

Number of clients completing Passport to Health GP referral scheme and still participating in physical activity (3 x 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity) three months later

Number of emergency admissions for people aged 65 and over into the Royal United Hospital performance monitored via the service level agreement between the PCT and the RUH on a monthly basis

Number of older people aged 60 and over completing certified courses (see notes) as measured by the Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement system

Number of emergency admissions to residential care per 10,000 population, as measured by PAF C72

Percentage of carers receiving a carers break or specific carers service during the year following an assessment or review, as measured by PAF C62

Children & Young People



Progress Update

LAA Indicators

NI 51 Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHs) services


Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 54 Services for disabled children

No definition for this indicator. Measuring has been delayed until 2009/10.


NI 62 Stability of placements of looked after children: number of moves


Baseline and targets set and being discussed with GOSW.

NI 108 Key Stage 4 attainment for Black and minority ethnic groups


Baseline and targets set and being discussed with GOSW.

NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10 - 17

Target setting potentially deferred until 2009

Placeholder in LAA for now.

NI 117 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, training or employment (NEET)


Existing stretch target. Final year of stretch being negotiated for 2010/11.

Emerging Local Indicators


Existing Stretch Indicators

Percentage of schools with Healthy Schools status

Number of Early Years Foundation Stage children scoring 6+ in all CLLD scales

Number of Early Years Foundation Stage children scoring 6+ in all PSED scales

Number of children completing the Summer Reading Challenge

Economic Development & Enterprise



Progress Update

LAA Indicators

NI 154 Net additional homes provided


Multi area agreement indicator. Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)

Targets are likely to be a proportion of NI 154 and are therefore dependent on NI 154 being negotiated.

Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 159 Supply of ready to develop housing sites


Multi area agreement indicator. Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 164 Working age population qualified to at least Level 3 or higher


Under discussion with GOSW.

Emerging Local Indicators

Working age people on out of work benefits (in target areas - derived from NI 152)

Working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher in target areas (derived from NI 163)

Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers (derived from NI 174)

Supply of ready to develop employment sites

Brownfield land which has been developed (derived from NI 170)

VAT registration rates (derived from NI 171)

VAT registered businesses in the area showing growth (derived from NI 172)

Proportion of labour locally sourced

Develop and monitor progression routes for adult learners

Existing Stretch Indicators

Number of businesses intensively assisted in the Norton Radstock area

Number of businesses in the Creative Industries and ICT sectors intensively assisted across Bath and North East Somerset

Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change



Progress Update

LAA Indicators

NI 167 Congestion - average journey time per mile during the morning peak

Continuing discussions about setting targets for Bath as lack of comparable data for target setting.

Multi area agreement indicator. Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling


Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 177 Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area


Multi area agreement indicator.

Existing stretch target.

Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 185 CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations

Target setting potentially deferred until 2009

Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 187 Tackling fuel poverty - people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating


Under discussion with GOSW.

NI 191 Residual household waste per head


Under discussion with GOSW.

Emerging Local Indicators

Air quality

Existing Stretch Indicators

Number of passenger trips on community transport services