Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008


Property Policy and Asset Management Plan (AMP)

Rollout of Policy and AMP to services including

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Allocations and segmentation
  • Surplus land procedure

ARG - Ongoing through the plan period.


Identification of property costs per property.

Property accommodation charge.

ARG - Medium term.

Property and Service Reviews

Complete segmentation exercise - op/rev.

Confirm details of non operational assets in App 2

Review non operational assets.

ARG - FY 08/09


Establish programme and resource plan for future years.

ARG - 30/09/08



Core systems.

Continued rollout of Evolut1on database

Info - Ongoing through the plan period.



Capital Targets

Review and implement improved reporting structures for PB, CSG.

ARG,PB,CSG - 30/06/08

Revenue Targets

Expand existing monitoring arrangements to include all cost centres.

ARG,PB - 30/06/08

Performance Group

Establish group to oversee performance matters.

ARG - 30/09/08

Establishment of KPI's

Consider existing indicator sets.

Recommend to PB composite suite of relevant indicators.

ARG - August PB

IRR benchmarks

Recommend appropriate benchmarks for approval by PB.

ARG - August PB

2007/2008 PI's

Complete Indicators and post to the IPF website.

ARG - Immediate


Introduce revised suitability surveys.


Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Subscription to COPROP clubs. Establish timetable and programme.

Issue and monitor surveys.

ARG,Bldg - As required.



Continuing awareness and increased profile of AMP.

Increased awareness of the importance of the strategic role of property.

All service areas to include the use of resources in the service planning process for 2008 and identify potential rationalisations as a result.

ARG,CLI,DIV - 2008/2009 Service Plans.

Option Appraisal

Development and rollout of Option Appraisal methodology.




ARG - PS Asset Review Group

Bldg - PS Building Consultancy.

PIG - Property Information Group.

PS - Property Services

Info - PS Information Team.

PB - Property Board

CSG - Capital Strategy Group

DIV - Divisional Directors

CLI - PS Client Services