Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

1.1 Core Systems

The core systems within the Division comprise

  • Corporate GIS: Comprising MapInfo and Planweb. The industry standard desktop software MapInfo Professional is used within Property Services to develop two distinct sets of property information mapped on a base of Ordnance Survey data which is now shared corporately via the intranet using GDC Planweb software.
  • Terrier information, defining legal interests held in property and land. This relates to the parcels of land that were actually acquired and cross refers to details of rights, responsibilities and encumbrances associated with the property with references linking to legal records. This is now supplemented by a separate layer of data summarising registered title information drawn from Property Services' ongoing programme of voluntary registration with the Land Registry.
  • Asset Register information, ie what represents the functional property extent as managed at any given time. This is continually evolving but records spatially property and land assets according to Service allocation and use. In so doing it also provides the high-level link to more detailed asset information held on ECS and Evolut1on...
  • Qube (ECS) Property Management System from Qube Global Software: This is a propriety property management system providing full database facilities as well as fully integrated financial accounting to enable financial performance to be monitored. In particular this is used to issue invoices for rent and receive cash in relation to let property, as well as having the functionality to administer service charges and the recovery of other expenditure. This is primarily of use in connection with the management of the Commercial Estate.
  • Evolut1on Asset Management System from Tribal Technology: This solution is in the course of development and data population to include information on the condition of property as well as details of repairs and maintenance, energy consumption etc. It is also the main repository of comprehensive contact details for properties, and is in the process of being linked to Planweb via the PSRN to enable more effective use of the two systems together.
  • AutoCAD: Although not currently defined as a core system, the industry standard drawing package is used within Property Services to create definitive lease plans as well as spatially manage building condition and new build or refurbishment projects. Links to the core systems will be pursued when achievable to ensure CAD developments reflect the overall data strategy.

1.2 Core Data

Within the core systems described above core data is stored including the following

  • Reference
  • PSRN (Property Services Reference Number)
  • Property description/Name
  • Address
  • Contacts
  • Value
  • Insurance Reinstatement cost
  • Type
  • Status
  • Tenure
  • CIPFA categorisation
  • Gross Internal Area (GIA)

The reference and PSRN at the top of the list provide the fundamental link between systems. It is intended that in accordance with the requirements of BS7666 these references will be supplemented by the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) derived from the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) once data matching issues have been fully addressed. This will allow more effective data sharing of property data with other parts of the Council and external organisations.

1.3 Secondary Systems and Data

It is recognised that not all data requirements can be accommodated in the core systems and the IT Strategy allows for this by the creation of satellite systems to deal with particular requirements. These draw information from core data and can be used to manipulate data or represent it in a customer focused way. Answers are generally returned to core systems but can be held within the electronic filing system in a structured way. Property Information Group is responsible for monitoring and development of such systems and maintains a schedule of all systems and data. The production of files generally goes through the following stages

  • Gathering/Collection. This is generally undertaken by Information Team using clearly defined processes that set out data sources and storage rules. The initial request will normally be generated automatically through a diary system. One off requests are subject to an individual quality plan.
  • Professional Overview. This is to be provided for each element and the accuracy of the results signed off or an explanation made.
  • Approval for Publication. Each set of data will be approved by the appropriate Team Leader where required and normally published on CIS or Property Services Info Pages.

1.4 Programmed Improvements

The Property Information Group is responsible for improvements and developments and at the current time the following projects are underway.

Evolut1on - Evolut1on is continuing to be developed to become part of the group of core systems and will hold information on condition of buildings as well as energy consumption, repairs & maintenance and key contacts.

Corporate GIS - Across the Council more than 200 data layers have now been created and stored within Geostore, an Oracle spatial database running on a dedicated map server. Property Services data is now available to users throughout the Council to view alongside other data via Planweb and one of the next steps is to agree a corporate strategy to manage this information more effectively. Phase 2 of the Corporate GIS project is now being implemented with data published across the firewall onto the Council's website using another compatible software package iShare Maps. Property Services is now assessing what property data can appropriately be published for public access by this means and how to achieve this.

Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) & the Digital National Framework (DNF) - Property Services map data was originally mapped to a pre-PAI Ordnance Survey Landline base which has now been replaced by MasterMap. Following data migration to Geostore/ Planweb the Division needs to consolidate & recapture (where necessary) mapped extents to rectified base mapping. At the same time the process of linking Property Services records to the OS MasterMap database (which will be adopted as base mapping on Planweb in response to the Government's DNF initiative) will need to be managed.

Local Land & Property Gazetteer Data Matching - The Council now has a Status 1 LLPG which sends weekly updates to the NLPG hub. This is currently mapped to point data and Property Services has initiated a data matching exercise with Property Asset records to obtain UPRNs for use within Property Services, whilst enabling property extents eventually to be transferred into the Gazetteer Management System thereby enhancing the LLPG. This has revealed a number of cases where exact matches cannot be readily obtained hence a process of identifying types of and reasons for discrepancies is underway.

Land Registration - Since 2003 the Council has, via Property Services, been progressing a project to register all of the Council's land ownerships with the Land Registry. This is a long term project which is now approximately 85% completed. Registration of title has many advantages in particular certainty when dealing with future developments, disposals etc as well as being a guaranteed record of ownership in the public domain. The Council is well ahead of the Government's target of achieving total land registration nationally by 2012.

1.5 Identifying Future Needs

As indicated above the Property Information Group is responsible for the IT strategy and provides the focal point for consideration of requests for development of data solutions. Proposals for improvements will generally be customer generated and prioritised for action by Property Information Group. At the present time the following projects are identified for consideration and possible implementation.

  • Lease Register - linking the Legal Division's separate records of lease history into the core systems so that data is captured and stored once only.
  • Recording within the core systems detailed information on legal title restrictions and property holding powers currently held on manual record cards.
  • Mapping of additional legal data e.g. statutory enactments affecting specific locations, byelaws, restrictive covenants and easements where these may have a direct bearing on asset management and review.
  • Capturing a secure electronic copy of legal & other property-related documentation.
  • Database links - exploring the feasibility of setting up live links from Planweb into the equivalent ECS, Evolut1on or CAD record and vice versa. We will also investigate the possibility of setting up hotlinks from these systems to photos and captured documentation.
  • Increased utilisation of GIS as a tool for analysis in pursuance of development feasibility studies, property performance appraisal and asset review strategy.
  • Investigation of long term feasibility of storing property asset data centrally within the Oracle spatial database to be pulled out into the application databases ECS & Evolut1on. This could potentially accomplish the objective of once-only storage directly linked to the spatial record & avoid complications of copying core data with inherent risk of error & inefficiency.

1.6 Property Services IT Strategy



The following sets out the principles of the Division's approach to data management. This strategy is to be read in conjunction with published corporate standards on the subject.

Data management is the primary responsibility of the Property Information Group (PIG) and all proposals are to be specified and submitted to PIG for consideration in the first instance. Appendix 2 provides a form for this purpose.

Solutions are to be developed around the principle of the diagram in Appendix 1 overleaf in particular

The Division's core systems GIS, ECS and Evolut1on are to store as much data as possible. A summary of these systems is given at Appendix 3.

Core systems will hold a unique reference and Property Services reference number (PSRN) as the key identifiers. In due course this will be replaced by the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) pursuant to BS 7666.

Information is to be stored once and only once.

Information which is the primary responsibility of other departments or outside organisations will not be stored but will be accessed by direct links. Other departments' data will be accessed via corporate GIS.

Any independent or ancillary database or other IT solution will be sourced with data from core systems. Such solutions will interact in a way that allows information to be transferred back into core systems by using common referencing or the PSRN.

Core data held within core systems will be split between property and occupation level where there are multiple occupations,

Property level


Insurance Reinstatement Cost.

PSRN/UPRN - should PSRN be stored at occupation level as well.

GIA - the aggregate of any occupations.

Occupation level

Allocation - Service area under the senior management restructuring.

Asset Value.

CIPFA Category.

GIA - of the occupation only

All other data solutions must follow this convention.





New Database/Software application form

To: Property Information Group


Project Title:


Type of software:


Requested by:


Approved by:


Funded by:


Cost limit:


Date requested:


Description of requirement:


Reason needed:


How is it linked to core systems:


Any other information:


Date considered by PIG:




Anticipated Cost:


Anticipated timescale:


Client approval:


Draft submitted:


Client acceptance:


Project sign off:




Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The Council has rolled out a corporate GIS which provides a spatial method of access to all Council data. All Council staff can access Interactive Maps via their desktops and since late summer 2007 members of the public now have access to published map data. Property Services & other Service Areas' data has gradually come available since mid 2006, a `log-in' and password are required, this is controlled by the GIS Team at Riverside for a fee of £150 pa per log-in.

Property Services data available through PlanWeb is

Property Assets - Council interests coloured according to Service Area.

Associated data includes ECS Ref, PSRN

Terrier - Council interests coloured according to tenure.

Associated data includes Deed Numbers, Historic Map references, and Acquisition date

Disposed - Sold Freeholds or ceased Leaseholds

Associated data includes PSRN, Deed Numbers, and date of disposal

Registered Freehold - A result of the Land Registration process, one freehold title may cover several Terrier records.

Registered Leasehold- As above but for leasehold registrations.

Other Service Area Data:

Includes data tables from Highways, Education, Building Control, Planning, Waste, Health & Social Care, Parks and Leisure.

External Data:

Environment Agency and National Statistics

PlanWeb users are able to

View any of the above data, including aerial photos and historic maps.

Interrogate basic information relating to a piece of land or property.

Use a gazetteer to find addresses

Build a query to find an ECS Ref or PSRN.

Measure the size of a plot.

Annotate the maps with points, lines and text, then print or email the results

Estate Computer Systems (ECS)

The main database at present within PALS including the following


Asset Register.

Insurance Reinstatement schedules.

Contact details.

Condition category

CIPFA category

GIA (Gross Internal Area).

Service area responsibility.

Full financial accounting for all income received.

Lease information including future dates for rent reviews, lease renewals and other events.

Detailed breakdown of components of each lease both by floor and type.

Repairing obligations.

Tenant details including all contact details and all associated charges and transactions.

Debt management.

Voids Info


Corporate property database in the course of development and rollout.

Features include

Condition Survey.

Suitability and Sufficiency data.


1.7 Property Information Group (PIG) terms of reference

Terms of Reference for Property Information Group (PIG)

1. Monitor, evaluate and promote the effective use of Property Information within Property Services.

2. Consider continuous improvements to data standards within Property Services.

3. Receive, consider, approve and monitor proposals for data development in accordance with the overriding principles of the Division's data strategy.

4. Ensure that all data is held centrally in a format which ensures compliance with Corporate data standards e.g.BS7666 Avoid duplication of data across systems.

5. Identify and seek to resolve problems with the use and storage of property Information.

6. Consider and monitor progress on all significant IT proposals and issues within Property & Legal Services.

7. Look at Council-wide IT developments and identify any that would be appropriate for Property Services.

8. Participate in cross-Service IT initiatives to ensure that Property Services interests are represented and safeguarded.

9. Provide an effective forum for communication between the different groups holding responsibility for property data, information & records in order to plan & co-ordinate workloads.

10. Establish sub groups to consider detailed arrangements for specific data requirements.

11. Report to PCG the policies and principles of managing property information and report currently outstanding issues.

12. Raise awareness of significance of appropriate information sharing within Property Services.

13. Promote the improvement of standards of IT competence by Training and other means.

Membership, quorum and meeting frequency should be as follows:


Business Services Manager



Property Information Manager

Asset Management Planning Group Manager

Property Records Co-coordinator

Other key Representative(s) from Information Team, Client Services Group, and Asset Management Group,

Other attendees including one representative nominated from each of the teams within the Division.



Frequency of Meetings
