Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

As set out in section 5 the production of a suite of relevant indicators is being actively considered and this Appendix will be populated retrospectively as a result of this.

Repeated below are some of the current considerations.


Indicators introduced under an initiative sponsored by the Association of Chief Corporate Property Officers in Local Government (COPROP). This has now received a positive endorsement from ODPM, DfES and others and is subject to benchmarking clubs.

Balanced Scorecard

The Council also uses a balanced scorecard approach for corporate reporting and the AMP indicators form part of this.

Central Govt VfM indicators

This suite of indicators is managed by IPF and includes a comprehensive series of measures capable of comparison across authorities.

The 198 indicators (formerly Best Value Performance Plan)

The former BVPP is now replaced by a much more concise set of corporate indicators.