Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

7.1 Introduction

This AMP builds on previous work in this area by continuing to promote the property perspective and the best use of resources as part of the service planning process.

The results of the Property Holdings Review now provide a clear framework for this work and this AMP reflects that framework and provides the platform for development of asset management in Bath & North East Somerset.

All this leads to the maximum contribution not only to corporate and service objectives but also to the capital programme and financial plan.

The approach advocated by the plan also provides a sound backdrop for the transition from CPA to CAA in 2009.

Below and in Appendix 7 the immediate and future targets and actions have been identified. Progress against these actions will be reported to Property Board on a regular basis and will be subject to a formal review by Cabinet at the end of 2008/2009.

7.2 Immediate actions for 2008/2009

Capital Receipts - improve arrangements for reporting targets and performance.

Revenue Receipts - expand current arrangements to include the whole revenue portfolio.

Rollout of Property Policy and AMP to services in particular

Roles and responsibilities

Allocations and segmentation

Costs of Occupation

Surplus land procedure

CPA KLOE for 2008 - continued liaison as part of the inspection and audit process.

CAA KLOE for 2009 - workplan to

Asset Review programme

Performance management - establishment of a performance group in Property Services and agreement on a suite of relevant indicators.

7.3 Medium term goals

Investment objectives, Reinvestment policy, R&M Strategy and targets, Partnering framework

Property accommodation charge

Establishment of programmes of suitability surveys

Establishment of programmes of customer satisfaction surveys

Option Appraisal & WLC.

7.4 Long term aspirations

Asset Management embedded in the culture of the Authority.