Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Property Related Delegations to Officers


These delegations are in respect of all the Council's property holdings except operation of car parks, hirings of individual rooms, sports facilities and allotments, all of which are excluded.

Council Scheme of Delegations

The Council scheme is contained in Part 3 Section 4 of the Constitution and deals with the high level of delegation from the Council to the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Divisional Directors and Heads of Service. The scheme generally provides for these officers (Responsible Officers) to take any decision falling within their area of responsibility.

As far as Property Services is concerned there is an additional specific delegation in Section C as follows,


1. The acquisition, disposal and management of all interests in real property in accordance with such scheme (if any) as may be approved by the Council from time to time.

2. To enter contracts for the provision of property services with public bodies as defined by the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970."

Section D also provides for officers, ie building occupiers, to "manage any allocated building premises or land."

Additionally there are general provisions in the scheme and exercise of any delegation is subject these matters.

The scheme also provides guidance on the need to refer to the appropriate Cabinet Member, the Cabinet or the Full Council.

This document sets out the way in which the above matters are dealt with in Property Services.

Property Services scheme of delegations

General Conditions

  • Compliance with the provisions of the Council scheme of delegations as described above.
  • Compliance with all relevant professional standards.
  • Appropriate legal, financial and other advice.
  • Consultation with occupiers and other service users as appropriate.
  • Clear and unambiguous instructions where an external client is involved. Confirmation that the decision comes within the scope of a Service Level Agreement or similar.
  • The appropriate procedure from the Valuation Services (ECS Valuers) manual or the Building Services manual being followed.
  • All proposed settlements are within the appropriate budgetry provision.
  • All proposed settlements are within the financial limits set out below.
  • All authorisations satisfy the limits set out in the authorised signatures spreadsheet where appropriate.
  • All appropriate decisions are to be recorded in the Council's public decision register.
  • All relevant decisions are to be recorded either by DRF or ECS generated valuation report and recorded in Property Services decision register.
  • All valuations are to be the subject of a market consistency check.
  • All matters of a sensitive or political nature are discussed with the relevant Group Manager and or Service Manager and a decision recorded as to whether consultation with Members is necessary.
  • Where a case is likely to have political or sensitive ramifications the approval in principle to the course of action may be desirable prior to the conclusion and final recommendation.
  • All freehold or long leasehold disposals are only to be progressed following formal approval by the Chief Property Officer in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources.
  • Projects included in the capital programme must satisfy the requirements of the Capital Strategy Group (CSG).
  • All proposals for the appointment of consultants are to be approved by the Chief Property Officer.

Subject to the above conditions the delegation contained in the Council scheme is further devolved within Property Services in accordance with the following arrangements.

Specific Delegations

The relevant service manager holds the overall delegation in relation to all matters within the respective Service area. Beneath this the Group Managers have overall day to day control in respect of their individual area of responsibility and may further delegate particular decisions to qualified staff in accordance with the section on personal delegations below.


In relation to the Estates and supplementary guidance areas supplementary guidance has been issued specifying individual delegations by case type. This can be found on PALS Info web.

Authorised Signatories

The placing of orders, authorising Invoices etc are governed by the authorised signatures list which shall be adhered to at all times.

Personal Delegations

Subject to the matters described above staff may be authorised to deal with individual matters as part of their personal caseload and as allocated by the relevant manager. Any item of work not falling within any specific authorisation must be approved by the relevant manager before any commitment is entered into. Any specific delegations are subject to the overriding considerations contained in this document and must be recorded using the template set out below. One copy of the form is to be retained by the member of staff, one by the relevant manager and an electronic copy added to PALS Info Web.