Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Specific Policies - Schools

SP E1. Definition

This section of the policy applies to all Schools as defined in the property database.

Currently there are 71 Primary Schools, 15 Secondary Schools and 7 Special Schools in the B&NES area.

SP E2. Context

Although in many respects schools enjoy individual arrangements as set out in the remainder of this section, the provisions of section 3 - operational property also apply at least insofar as they are not in conflict with this part of the policy.

In general the policies set out in section 3 apply to schools however specific provisions in this section take priority.

SP E3. Land Ownership

The pattern of land ownerships within individual schools and across the local education authority is complicated through a combination of relationships with the local Diocese' and other trustees in line with the Education Acts together with other historical factors. The legal title for many of the Schools will be held by the Council however there are a number where such title will vest in 3rd parties. Such arrangements will impact on the way in which management of individual schools is undertaken.

Schools are generally categorised as under,

  • Community Schools - ownership generally held by the Council.
  • Foundation Schools - ownership generally rests with the Governors.
  • Voluntary Controlled and Aided schools - ownership generally rests with the school trustees, although any land used for playing fields usually remains in Council ownership.

The ownership position in respect of any individual school should always be checked with the Estates team in Property Services in case of any variation from the norm

SP E4. Financial Arrangements

There is a separate set of financial regulations and contract standing orders for Schools.

Financial regulations provide (Regulation 4) "The Governing Body cannot dispose of or acquire any land and buildings or any interest therein." Such activity is the responsibility of Property Services.

Regulation 9 deals with Contracts for building works and provides arrangements for Schools to undertake projects using delegated budgets.

SP E5. Property matters for schools

The publication `Property matters for schools' published by the Building Consultancy in Property Services gives a lot of detailed information concerning the roles and responsibilities set out in this section.

This book was published in June 2005 and was distributed to all schools and key staff within the education department. Further copies can be obtained from the schools property group manager.

SP E6. Repairs and Maintenance

The repairs and maintenance budgets for schools are largely devolved although certain elements are held by Property Services. These budgets provide for responsive maintenance to all School buildings.

Where budgets are held by the individual school in many cases these budgets are managed by Property Services.

SP E7. Alterations and Improvements

Certain minor alterations and Improvements may be funded by Property Services as maintenance wheras generally significant projects will be funded by the Local Education Authority or dealt with in accordance with devolved arrangements as set out in the next statement.

Anything over and above routine maintenance will need to be the subject of an allocation following preparation of an acceptable business case. See below for the specific arrangement for dealing with devolved capital grant.

SP E8. Devolved Capital Budgets

Schools receive an allocation of devolved capital and all or part of such allocation may be directed towards property projects.

In such cases the governing body will make a proposal in accordance with the latest devolved capital guidance. Property Services will deal with the approvals process under this guidance in accordance with the timescales set out therein. Continued liaison between the school and Property Services is imperative in order to ensure that records and other action is completed in a timely manner.

The latest guidance provides for the Governing Body to complete a preparatory checklist to confirm that the correct consultations have been carried out prior to submitting the proposal to the LEA and Property Services.

The approvals process then includes for submission to Property Services so that the drawings can be the subject of a desktop audit.

It is then necessary for the School to continue to liaise with both the LEA and Property Services through to completion of the project. Such continued liaison is important to ensure that records are kept up to date including for example insurance cover and entry in the asset register.

SP E9. Asset Management Planning

The local education authority has produced a school organisation plan for the period 2003 - 2008 which includes much of the asset management arrangements for schools.

The school organisation plan was last updated in 2005 and provides the latest statistical situation regarding educational needs and capacities. The corporate AMP provides an overriding view of Asset Management matters.

The following links provide access to the documents,

SP E10. Disposal Proceeds

Proposals to rationalise schools provision may include the disposal and reallocation of property. Any such review must include proposals for allocation of the sale proceeds as part of the project, however this will be subject to the arrangements for pooling capital receipts.

Sale proceeds may form part of the overall case for rationalisation.