Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Specific Policies - Operational Property Portfolio

SP O1. Definition

Operational property is that dedicated to direct service delivery eg Offices, Depots etc.

Schools are subject to specific arrangements, see Section 4.

See the Introduction for details of the way in which CIPFA categorises properties between operational and non operational.

Schools have their own specific section 4 below but the provisions of this section apply insofar as they do not conflict with that section.

SP O2. Terms of Occupation

Properties are allocated to a service area and recorded as such on the property database. Such occupations will have regard to the detailed provisions in SP O10 below which sets out responsibilities in detail.

Allocations by Property Services are put in place in accordance with the general policies above. The summary good stewardship guide in SPO 10 below attempts to anticipate as many situations as possible relating to the occupation of property and sets out detailed instructions in each case.

SP O3. Custody of Buildings

Service areas are responsible for the day to day management and custody of buildings allocated to them. Where a property has not been declared surplus but all or part is physically void then this responsibility remains with the occupier.

This confirms the position as set out in Financial Regulation 13 and Code of Practice 16. It is necessary to advise Property Services of any physical voids in order that insurance cover may be maintained by adhering to the conditions imposed by insurers.

SP O4. Responsibility for outgoings

Repairs and maintenance is funded from budgets held by Property Services. Day to day outgoings such as rates and utilities are generally discharged by occupying departments. Implementation of the policy will make changes to this to draw property costs to the centre.

This existing situation is unsatisfactory and it is suggested these arrangements be rationalised. See GP 24.

SP O5. Repairs and Maintenance

Maintenance of operational property will be dealt with by Property Services under the provisions of GP19, 20 and 21.

The repairs and maintenance budget is administered by Property Services and includes all responsive maintenance. Individual items are actioned following notification by occupiers to Property Services Helpdesk.

SP O6.

Alterations and Improvements

Certain minor alterations and improvements may be funded by Property Services as maintenance wheras generally significant projects will need to be the subject of an allocation from the capital programme or some other external source.

Anything over and above routine maintenance will need to be the subject of an allocation following preparation of an acceptable business case. Any proposal to extend or alter operational property will need to include alternative solutions in particular whether any requirement can be satisfied using any alternative solution involving other property.

SP O7. Corporate Offices

As part of proposals to reallocate office space regard shall be had to the Council's transformation programme and particularly the movement towards flexible working, hot desking, home working and also established space standards.

The Council has long term aspirations to rationalise office space and concentrate accommodation in a smaller number of locations.

SP O8. Shared arrangements - Corporate Offices

In a small number of the larger corporate offices Property Services facilities management provide overall building management services such as security, cleaning, post facilities etc.

This currently applies to the Guildhall in Bath and Riverside/Town Hall at Keynsham. Such arrangements are to be the subject of rationalisation alongside the question of repairs and maintenance and outgoings generally.

SP O9. Casual Lettings

Formal occupations which create an interest in land will be dealt with by Property Services and documented by a lease or licence. Casual bookings may be undertaken by occupying departments direct, accounting for any proceeds through the Financial Management System.

This policy is intended to cover day to day and casual arrangements such as hiring of sports facilities, football pitches, allotments and the like.

SP O10. Notional Lease or SLA for the occupation of Council Property

The table in Appendix 5 summarises the provisions of the policy as they relate on a day to day basis to building occupiers. The table is divided into 2 parts, including responsibilities and accountabilities placed on both the building occupiers and also Property Services.

This can be used as a quick reference guide for the majority of day to day matters and can be regarded as effectively the SLA or notional lease by which the occupation is regularised.