Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Statement - Sheila Carrick

I have taken this opportunity to speak at the Cabinet meeting on 14th May because I am truly impressed by the staff at Oldfield School, and am very concerned at the effect on their morale and status following the announcement that Oldfield may close.

I have two daughters at the school, the elder taking A levels this summer and the younger studying for her GCSEs. Every parent wants the best for their children and we only have one chance to get it right with their education. I can only say how grateful we are for all the support and encouragement the staff have given over the years. We have never had a hint of bullying, they have had clubs and activities to encourage interest and confidence, but most of all, it's the teaching that has exceeded our expectations.

My elder daughter has had the same Maths teacher for 7 years and the same Geography teacher for 5 years. She has had individual Physics lessons because she realised late that her chosen degree needed Physics. The Maths teachers have given up school holidays, lunch breaks, and free lessons to give extra coaching. Maybe I am naïve but I don't think many state or private schools could match that level of dedication.

So I was pretty devastated to hear that the school may close. I'm afraid the prospect of a merger does not register in parents' minds. For the next several years, future parents will see Oldfield as a risk. I have already spoken to local families and that is how they feel. I know that staff morale has suffered and those who have the chance will look elsewhere for work where the future is more certain.

I could not be more sorry to see all the hard work, commitment and dedication of the staff go to waste.

You may be interested to know that I am a member of All Saints Weston church. You may think that I would be delighted at the idea of a brand new Church of England school. I am not! Not when it would mean the sacrifice of a good, established school and staff base. Weston All Saints is the link church for Oldfield. I know that both the school and the church support and encourage that link and I don't want the value of that existing relationship to be forgotten.

My honest view is that a new merged school combining the strengths of two closed schools is a figment of beaurocratic imagination.

I am worried that Oldfield, with this closure announcement, has already received a blow from which it cannot recover. Please allow the school to stay open and let it continue with the good work for which I, for one, as a parent, am most grateful.