Meeting documents

Wednesday, 14th May, 2008

Betty Honeybone of Norfolk Crescent Green Residents' Association


We referred earlier to our serious concerns that due to orientation, tall buildings in BWR East would overshadow and cause severe loss of light to our historic buildings and environment. Our concerns are further increased by reference to the statement in paragraph 2.7.7 of the SPD, that `the City Extension can accommodate taller structures' and that the design codes remain at 5-8 storeys, which given the commercial use here, will add to their heights. The resolution passed by October 06 Council Executive does little to allay fears that development of even greater height than in the west will be permitted.

Given the requirement for high density, we recognise it may be unrealistic to ask for heights over the whole site to be restricted to 4-6 storeys referred to `as acceptable' in the above resolution, but we trust buildings in excess of 6 storeys will be kept to a minimum and to the centre of the site where they will impact less on existing communities. If this were not proposed, we would ask that any tall buildings to the north of the site be subjected to shading analysis to prove there is no loss of light to our community.

With specific regard to the Urban River Quarter or Frontage, we welcome Amendment 39 and that so much consideration has been given to reducing noise nuisance to our community. We trust that by your reference to Local Plan Policy D2 we will also be protected from significant harm by loss of light, increased overlooking and smell

But in case this is not so, we reiterate that loss of light from the Urban River Quarter is our key concern due to its continuous frontage to the river between Sainsbury's and Victoria Bridge, at up to 8 storeys high and at a distance of no more than 45 metres, as prescribed by the design codes. The situation for Grade I Norfolk Crescent is critical as it abuts the north bank and would suffer extreme loss of light from both front and rear.

We therefore urge that a height restriction is applied to the Urban River Frontage so that there is no loss of light or overshadowing to any of our buildings or community. This should be proven by shading analysis.

In your consideration, may we remind you that one of the key principles of PPS1 is to protect and enhance the historic environment and existing communities?

Thank you