Meeting documents

Wednesday, 13th July, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 13 July 2005




"Future for Bath"









List of attachments to this report:

Central Bath - A Vision Strategy & Framework for Action 

Hard copy of the presentation "The Future for Bath" 

(due to the size and format of these documents, they have not been included with the agenda but placed on deposit and copies will be available for inspection at the meeting.)


1.1 A visioning process, the "Future for Bath", has been initiated and this report explains the background, progress made and seeks support to the principal elements of the draft vision, and the process enabling its adoption.


The Council Executive :

2.1 Adopt The "Future for Bath" as the basis of a themed approach to the future development of Bath, subject to further examination and testing by way of business and spatial planning studies, and by wider consultation, during the course of 2005 and 2006.

2.2 support the preparation of a Business Plan study to report in April 2006.

2.3 recommend to Council that the Council funds the study and seeks a contribution from the RDA at a cost of up to £150k from balances.

2.4 receive further update reports to review overall progress (6 monthly)

2.5 authorise a wider consultation in the autumn and a final report in the spring/summer of 2006.


3.1 The costs of the business and spatial planning studies are provisional at present, but are likely to be in the region of £150k and will be subject to a competitive tendering process. A contribution towards funding for the studies may be available from South West Regional Development Agency.

3.2 In addition, detailed costs and budgets will be identified for an international conference on the emerging vision during 2006 for which a further report will be made to the Executive on any financial implications

3.3 It should be noted that the outcomes of the consultation process will, as stated in the report, be a strategy and framework for action both of a long term nature but also seeking early improvements and benefits. There are likely to be significant funding implications arising and whilst every opportunity will be taken to seek external funding partners, developers and contributors, undoubtedly some costs will fall on the Council. Whilst this should not be a barrier to development and the Vision is at an early stage of development, a longer term financial planning view will need to be adopted by the Executive in order to manage the `Future Plan for Bath' within its financial resources

3.4 There is no specific budget provision for this study and therefore a release from general balances will be required.


4.1 Bath is an outstanding City and it provides a foundation for the future. However, complacency could result in decline over the long run. Bath, like all towns and cities functions in a competitive environment and this impacts in many ways, from pressure on visitor numbers and the ability of the City to attract inward investment. In this respect, the absence of a long-term vision and framework to instigate and guide enhancement and development is a current weakness.

4.2 The Council has embarked on a process to establish a vision for the future of the area which focuses on harnessing the potential of the City of Bath ("The Future for Bath"). Building on the historic strengths of Bath, the vision identifies a series of themes which uniquely position the City, both nationally and internationally. It also establishes a clear role for Bath within the South West region and the West of England sub-region. It also provides a basis for securing the long term success of Bath as a key driver for the local economy across Bath & North East Somerset and as a place for local residents to visit, shop, learn, work and enjoy. This work builds upon previous policy and visioning with regards to the role of Bath within the sub-region and the interaction between major projects such as Bath Western Riverside, Southgate and the Council's Spatial, Transport and Economic Development Strategies.

4.3 A series of presentations of the vision has commenced; these have been to Council Leaders and Executive, Senior Officers and key stakeholders, and the reaction has generally been very positive. A hard copy of the presentation is attached for reference. At the time of preparation of this report, further presentations are planned, including one to Members on 4 July.

4.4 It is proposed that the vision be tested during the rest of 2005 and 2006. Socio economic and spatial studies planned to be concluded by April 2006 will consider the underlying factors and conditions, and assess whether the vision will meet the challenges and drivers facing Bath. This analysis will be complemented with wider consultation, possibly including an international conference to be held in Bath in mid 2006.

4.5 The intention is to consolidate the themes into a strategy and framework for action. While this will adopt a long-term approach, it will be important to identify actions that can bring early improvements and benefits to the City. The development of the strategy will include the preparation of an Area Action Plan for Bath, under the new planning arrangements for Local Development Schemes, as well as general alignment with Council policy. The diagram attached as Appendix one indicates in broad terms how the work relates to the wider policy context.


5.1 A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.

5.2 The key risk is that in not developing a long-term vision and related strategy/framework for action, Bath is likely to experience decline in relation to other towns and cities in terms of public and private investment, visitor numbers, retail expenditure etc.


6.1 It is considered that the Council should be proactive and adopt a leadership stance in the creation of a focussed vision for the future of Bath, and ensure the right conditions to realise the vision.


7.1 The option of proceeding without a long-term vision, strategy and framework for action has been considered. This option is not recommended because a long term co-ordinated approach is essential to the future success and development of the City.


8.1 The Executive councillor, Overview & Scrutiny Panel, Other B&NES Services, Section 151 Finance Officer, Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer have all been consulted on the contents of this report.

8.2 Presentations have been given to/are scheduled to be given to Members, the Executive, the Group Leaders, the Major Projects & External Bodies O&S Panel, Directors Group, Heads of Service Group, Bath City Development Board, B&NES Initiative & Key Stakeholders

8.3 A comprehensive consultation strategy process for the next stage of vision development is being compiled.


9.1 Not urgent.

Contact person

Ron Jamieson Tel. 01225 477593

Background papers
