Meeting documents

Wednesday, 12th July, 2006

Since the Housing Strategy was drafted, further statistical information on homelessness and the Homeseekers Register has become available.


1 April 2005

1 April 2006

No. of households on the Homeseekers Register



No. of applicants not living in social rented housing



No. of general needs lettings



No. of homeless households living in temporary accommodation



No. of households in temporary accommodation that include pregnant woman and/or children.

Of these, numbers in B&B





Rough sleepers found during count





Number of Households on the Homeseekers Register

The numbers of people on the Homeseekers Register has increased by 22%. This highlights the imbalance between supply and demand and the difficulty many households experience in securing suitable accommodation. It is worth noting that during the latter part of 2005/06, Somer Community Housing Trust allocated 100% of their vacant properties to the Homeseekers Register. Despite this, the numbers on the register increased significantly.

Number of Applicants on the Register not living in Social Rented Housing

This figure has risen by 20% and again reflects the disparity between supply and demand. It is also likely to be indicative of affordability issues for many households.

Numbers of Homeless Households living in temporary accommodation & B&B

Decreases in this group have come about through a more assertive approach to homelessness prevention by the Housing Advice team. Fewer households have lost their homes due to appropriate and timely advice. The Homefinders Scheme has also contributed to this improvement by providing an alternative to temporary accommodation via access to private rented properties. As of June 2006, almost 40 statutorily homeless people had secured accommodation in the private rented sector. This progress means that we are on course to meet the target set by DCLG to reduce use of temporary accommodation by 50% by 2010.

Numbers of People Sleeping Rough

The rough sleeper count gives only an indicative snapshot of the numbers of people sleeping rough on any given night. The Council continues to work with partners in the voluntary and statutory sectors to prevent rough sleeping.