Meeting documents

Wednesday, 12th July, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Housing Key Partnership

BE: at home - improving our housing situation for local people

Draft Housing Strategy 2005-2010

Welcome to the Housing Strategy for Bath and North East Somerset. This document sets out the housing issues for local people and how organisations working in partnership will aim to address them.

Document titles appearing in italics provide background to the Housing Strategy. Appendix 1 provides a list of these documents and website addresses where they can be found.

1. Introduction

This strategy reflects and responds to the Community Strategy for Bath and North East Somerset.

The Community Strategy

The Community Strategy sets out a vision for Bath and North East Somerset for the 10 years from 2004. It sets out clear improvement ambitions for the area and means of achieving them. This was subject to extensive consultation in 2003, which identified priority local needs and was endorsed by the Council and Local Strategic Partnership in November 2003.

Housing & the Community Strategy

The 2003 Local Government Act requires local housing authorities to have in place a strategy in respect of housing related matters. Criteria issued by Government set out the format and standards to be achieved.

In 2004, Bath & North East Somerset decided to take a new direction in how local housing issues should be addressed, using the LSP as the vehicle for formulating the strategy and ensuring its' delivery. This was seen as an opportunity to develop a Housing Strategy that is more closely integrated with other local, sub-regional and regional plans and strategies.

This approach to the development of the Strategy will strengthen the existing partnership structures, both within the LSP and other forums. This is particularly important for the Council, as the body responsible for taking a strategic lead on housing issues.

Improvement Ambitions

Each of the improvement ambitions contained in the Community Strategy is supported by a Key Partnership which is charged with co-ordinating a broader partnership response to the Community Strategy's ambitions.

This new format for the Bath & North East Somerset Housing Strategy links directly to the "BE: at home" improvement ambition for housing.

The Housing Key Partnership is well established and has organised two high-profile Housing conferences, where a wide range of local and regional stakeholders were able to participate in the development of the BE:At home improvement ambition.

The strategic objectives outlined in this document are the result of the Housing Conference 2004, which was attended by approximately 100 stakeholders. This document has been subject to further consultation with stakeholders, in line with the LSP's Terms of Reference.

The Housing Strategy will

Put housing issues into the context of the LSP framework

Set out and take account of regional and national priorities

Ensure an integrated approach to partnership working by picking up on shared ambitions. For example, BE: safe targets on promoting sustainable development.

The Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset has to be seen within the following context:

o National policy

o The South West Regional Housing Strategy

o Growing housing need, including an increasing affordability gap

o Limited capital investment for new housing and a need to maximise planning gain

o The Regional Spatial Strategy and local development framework

The rest of the Strategy sets out the drivers and context for the Strategy, the strategic choices we have made and how the Strategy will be implemented, monitored and reviewed.

2. Context

The Housing Strategy for Bath and North East Somerset takes into account and reflects national and regional strategy. The most significant of these are detailed below.

National Strategy

The ODPM launched the Communities Plan (Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future) on 5 February 2003. The plan sets out a long-term programme of action for delivering sustainable communities in both urban and rural areas. The programme aims to focus the attention and co-ordinate the efforts of all levels of Government and stakeholders in bringing about development that meets the economic, social and environmental needs of future generations as well as succeeding now.

In March 2005, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister published Sustainable Communities: Settled Homes, Changing Lives, a paper that sets out the Government's priorities for tackling homelessness. The overall aim of the strategy is to halve the number of households living in temporary accommodation by 2010.

Regional issues

The Sustainable Communities Plan for the South-West reflects the key priorities in the national plan and includes specific targets for the region. The key issues include:

o To ensure the homes of all social housing tenants and vulnerable people living in the private sector meet an acceptable standard (Decent Homes Standard)

o To ensure enough new homes of the right type are built and address the need for affordable housing;

o To protect the countryside and address the housing needs of rural


o To strengthen communities and reduce inequalities.

The South West Housing Body (SWHB) was established to respond to the targets set out in the Communities Plan. The SWHB sets housing in the wider strategic context of planning and economic growth. It identifies the priorities for housing in our region and makes recommendations to Ministers on the allocation of capital investment. On 5 July 2005, the revised Regional Housing Strategy 2005-16 was published by the SWHB. It sets out three strategic aims and a number of actions to take these forward. The strategic aims are:

o Improving the balance of housing markets in the region to tackle issues of housing affordability, homelessness and the use of temporary accommodation

o Improving the environmental quality and design of new developments and improving the quality of existing homes

o Supporting sustainable communities ensuring housing policies promote social inclusion, and mixed and balanced communities.

The Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West, or RSS, is a new kind of plan up to the year 2026 under development by the Regional Assembly. It will set a regional framework about `where things go', what the scale of development should be, and the links between broad issues like healthcare, education and crime, as well as basic infrastructure such as transport. It will aim to protect what is highly valued about the region, at the same time making provision for sufficient new homes, jobs, retail and leisure facilities to meet the needs of a growing and increasingly affluent population.

The RSS will set the regional context for planning in the South West for the 2006 - 2026 period. It will guide the planning process at a local level (local development frameworks) and include District level housing numbers.

The RSS is not simply a land-use plan. It will be developed in the context of the Integrated Regional Strategy and will be driven by the need to make environmental, social and economic change happen in an effective and inclusive way.

Work started early in 2004 on the development of the RSS with a series of debates on the issues that the RSS will have to deal with. Draft alternative regional development strategies have been drawn up as consultation documents. See Appendix 1 for further details

Sub-regional issues

The West of England Partnership, consisting of Council Members from Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and Gloucestershire and a number of social, economic and environmental partners was formed in 2004. The Partnership has prepared a vision for the West of England area and, as part of the arrangements with the Regional Assembly, a sub-regional spatial strategy which was agreed by the four Unitary Authorities as advice to the Regional Assembly in the preparation of the RSS. The sub-regional spatial strategy in the form of `First Detailed Proposals' (FDP) was forwarded to the Assembly in September 2005 and set out a growth strategy for the sub-region and emphasises the need for significant investment in transport provision and community facilities to support that growth and the need to safeguard and enhance environmental assets. Development of the RSS continues, with the final draft anticipated during 2008. See Appendix 1 for further information on where to find a copy of a progress report

For Bath & North East Somerset the FDP proposes the development of 15,400 dwellings in the 2006-2026 period. Between 30% and 40% of these are anticipated to be built in the existing urban areas, mainly within Bath. The remainder will form part of mixed-use sustainable urban extensions with the locations yet to be identified. It will necessitate a review of the Green Belt.

The West of England Sub-Regional Housing Study was completed during Spring 2004 on behalf of the four local authorities in the former Avon area in conjunction with the Joint Strategic Planning and Transportation Unit, and other South West regional bodies including the Government Office for the South West, the Housing Corporation, the Regional Development Agency and Business West. Representatives of private landlords, housing associations, and tenants were also involved in the steering group that oversaw the Study.


The report recommends a number of responses, all requiring joint action by the four authorities and, in some cases, by other partners too. The recommendations are grouped under the following headings:

o Planning for the Future

o Delivering a Sustained Increase in housing supply

o Innovating to Create New Housing Products, Attract & Stretch Resources

o Investing in the Future

The West of England Partnership Housing Group is developing a Sub-regional Housing Delivery Plan based on several of these recommendations.

Planning for Affordable Housing in Bath & North East Somerset

National Planning Guidance, Regional Planning Guidance for the South West 2001 and the Joint Replacement Structure Plan 2002 all set out the need for delivery of affordable housing through the Local Plan process. Bath and North East Somerset Council's Planning Services therefore have a key role both through its Planning Policy and Development Control functions in setting out a policy framework and in the delivery of affordable housing through the planning application process.

In Bath & North East Somerset affordable housing policies are already set out in a number of Local Plans. The most up to date of these is the emerging Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies Revised Deposit Draft 2003 (B&NES LP). This Plan contains policies on provision of affordable housing based on the most up to date estimates of need and will eventually supersede all other Local Plans. Supplementary Planning Guidance on affordable housing published in 2003 gives more detailed and comprehensive guidance setting out all aspects of the delivery of affordable housing through the development process.

3. Need

Evidence of sub-regional and local need is contained in the report by Professor Glen Bramley of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. The West of England Housing Need and Affordability Model report was published in May 2005 and includes the following sub-regional issues:

o In 2004 only just over a third of new households (34.2%) could afford to buy in the sub-region. Affordability deteriorated sharply between 2002 and 2004, but is projected to improve in the coming period.

o The largest element of need is new households unable to afford to buy, although the backlog of existing need is quite significant.

o About 24% of need could be met by intermediate forms of provision (such as shared ownership).

o The recent rate of development has fallen short of need in Bath & North East Somerset. This can be partly explained by the planning constraints in place such as the Green Belt around Bath city and listed buildings regulations, for example.

o The general picture across the sub-region is that 40% of need is for one-bedroom accommodation, 34% for two-bedroom and 26% for 3 or more bedrooms.

Bath & North East Somerset

The Community Strategy 2004 and Beyond states `Affordable housing is local residents' second priority after tackling crime. Many people are put off moving to Bath and North East Somerset because of the high cost of housing. This is leading to recruitment difficulties and skill shortages which could have a knock-on effect on the local economy. Public services such as health services are particularly hard hit by the effect of high house prices compared to wage levels.

The Glen Bramley Model of Affordability focus on Bath & North East Somerset found that:

o Affordability is generally more difficult in Bath & North East Somerset than in the sub-region as a whole. Within the district, Bath is the least affordable area, followed by Keynsham and Midsomer Norton-Radstock. Incomes are lower in Bath City and markedly higher in the rural area.

o Newly forming households unable to afford to buy are the dominant group in Bath & North East Somerset.


o Intermediate options (such as shared ownership) and private renting are more affordable in Midsomer Norton than the rest of Bath & North East Somerset.

o Nearly half the overall need in Bath & North East Somerset is concentrated in Bath City. The next largest number is in Midsomer Norton-Radstock. This reflects differences in population size of these areas.


o Turnover in RSL stock is generally low in Bath & North East Somerset. Most relets are concentrated within Bath, which has the highest concentration of RSL stock. High private sector costs (owner-occupied and private rented properties) mean that households already in RSL properties are unlikely to move on. This affects the ability of the RSL sector to respond to demand.

o In Bath City, there is high demand for one bedroom RSL properties. In other areas of Bath & North East Somerset the need is more or less evenly spread across all property sizes.

Homeseekers Register

The Homeseekers Register (the housing waiting list) provides information on current need and gives an indication of future need.

On 1 April 2005 there were a total of 4,271 households on the Homeseekers Register of which 3,183 are not already in Social Housing. This means that, in addition to those waiting to access the RSL stock, there are just over 1,000 households already inadequately housed in RSL properties.

To give some perspective on the imbalance between supply and demand, it is useful to note that during 2004-05, RSLs in Bath & North East Somerset let 614 properties described as general needs. This means that current supply meets less than 15% of the demand identified through the Homeseekers Register.


The Council's Housing Advice team provides the statutory homelessness service for the Bath & North East Somerset area. On 31 March 2005, there were 91 statutory homeless households in temporary accommodation. 30 of these included dependent children or a pregnant woman. 9 were in bed & breakfast style accommodation.

A count of rough sleepers in Bath was conducted on 4 December 2004. Four rough sleepers (as defined by the ODPM) were identified, though agencies working with rough sleepers consider this figure to be a significant underestimate.

Homelessness in Bath & North East Somerset continues to challenge the Council and other agencies working with homeless and vulnerably housed people.

4. Supply

House Condition Survey 2004

The Council commissioned a comprehensive review of housing stock and its condition, using a sample of properties and tenures across the area. The report also recommended the direction of future private sector housing policies and indicated repair cost. The highlights of the report are:

o In 2004 there were an estimated 71,400 (including RSL) dwellings in Bath and North East Somerset.

o 1,600 dwellings (2%) were found to be vacant.

o 3,300 dwellings were found to be unfit, and 8,800 in substantial disrepair.

o The housing stock is considerably older than the national average.

o There is a close correlation between disrepair and low-income.

o 5,700 households were in fuel poverty.

o 20,100 dwellings were considered non-decent, mainly due to thermal efficiency.

Supported Housing

Supported housing plays a vital role in the local housing scene. Issues around sustainable tenancies and support for vulnerable people are addressed via the Supporting People Programme. Supporting People is a commissioning framework for the provision of supported housing, sheltered housing and housing related support services. In Bath and North East Somerset this includes approximately 3000 units of accommodation and several floating or re-settlement support services. Information about all these services is available from an online database

The Supporting People 5-Year Strategy was published in March 2005. It's priorities for increased investment are:

o mental health

o domestic violence

o drugs and alcohol

o learning difficulty

o physical disability

Hostels in Bath & North East Somerset

Hostels provide a valuable resource for a wide range of people. In addition to providing short-term accommodation, a stay at a hostel offers an opportunity to ensure any support needs are identified and arrangements put in place to meet them. There are 7 hostels in the area which meet the needs of a range of client groups with housing difficulties. Note that this does not represent the full range of supported housing available within Bath & North East Somerset, which goes beyond provision for people threatened with homelessness.

Accessing the Private Rented Sector

The Homefinders Scheme was established in Summer 2005. The scheme, operated by the Council's Housing Services team, aims to improve access to the private rented sector for people threatened with homelessness. This is expected to increase significantly, boosting accessibility to a valuable resource, reducing homelessness and use of temporary accommodation.

5. What Are the Strategic Objectives for Bath & North East Somerset?

The LSP held its' second Housing Conference on 14 July 2004. In preparation, pre-conference workshops on the headings agreed for Delivery Plans were organised. Members of the LSP and others attended and were asked to identify the issues they wished to see addressed by the Housing Strategy. The following strategic objectives were developed in response to the feedback from the workshops:

Affordable Housing

To maximise the supply of affordable housing to meet the needs of local people; promoting and maintaining sustainable balanced communities; and recognising the support requirements of individuals for specialist accommodation.

o With effect from April 2007, at least 110 units of new affordable housing will be developed annually. These will include Social Rented, Low Cost Home Ownership, and Intermediate Rented housing.

o From March 2006, we will negotiate 30% affordable housing on all sites above the threshold of 15 dwellings or more, in line with our current planning policy and guidance on residential development sites.

o All new affordable housing developments negotiated with private developers under s103 will produce a split of 80% social rented and 20% Low Cost Home Ownership.

o Housing Associations will deliver affordable housing on land and property it has secured from the private market.

o All future developments of affordable housing will aim to achieve high standards of design and construction, as well as contributing to the creation and maintenance of sustainable communities.


To reduce the numbers of households experiencing homelessness by putting in place initiatives that pro-actively tackle its' causes across all tenures.

o Increased provision of affordable housing will be targeted towards homeless households, enabling faster and increased move-on from temporary accommodation.

o By reducing the numbers of people in temporary accommodation we will free up financial resources. This increased resource will be directed into improving conditions within the temporary accommodation stock.

o Repeat homelessness will be reduced through appropriate and timely support.

Housing Conditions & the Private Rented Sector

To promote and enforce good standards of housing and services in all tenures.

o Housing Services, having met the ODPM Decent Homes target for the public sector will increase the number of Decent Homes in the private sector across the area by more than 1100 by the year 2010.

Key Workers

To ensure that the housing needs of key workers are properly understood and met, helping to support the local economy and the provision of good quality and sustainable essential local services to the public.

o Housing providers, planners and enablers will work in partnership through the LSP to analyse the housing needs of local key workers. The findings will be reported to the LSP by September 2006 and will inform the development of new supply.

Communities & Residents

To encourage and empower local residents and communities to become more actively involved in making their communities more successful and better places to live.

o The LSP will establish a residents' consultation and involvement panel with specific reference to housing issues. All research undertaken by the LSP into housing need and supply will be referred to the panel prior to sign off by the LSP.

Student Housing

To work with higher and further education providers to meet the housing needs of students; acknowledging both the contribution which they make to the local economy and the impact which they can have on the sustainability of existing communities and the housing market in general.

o The Universities and City of Bath College will commission the development of smaller units of student accommodation. This will encourage the integration of the student population into the wider community.

o Any expansion of student accommodation off-campus will only be developed in partnership with and taking into account the views of local partners.

o We will work in partnership with private landlords to improve fitness standards in student housing, aiming for a 50% improvement in fitness levels by 2010.

Design & Environmental Quality

To apply good standards of design and environmental quality to both new and existing housing developments, including addressing the prevention of crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.

o Energy efficiency and sustainability issues will be addressed in all new-build and redevelopments

o Crime reduction issues will be addressed through the use of Secured by Design standards in both private rented sector accommodation and social housing

o Quality standards will be applied to accommodation, access and the public realm.

Planning & Empty Homes

Making best use of the local and strategic planning process; identifying assembling and bringing forward and suitable development sites to meet local needs across all tenures; and making the best use of existing resources including empty or under-used housing and other property.

o Partners will work together to ensure that best use is made of empty properties

o By July 2006, an evaluation will be made of how best to use Empty Dwelling Management Orders to bring empty properties back into the general housing stock.

o Planning policy will continue to ensure that best use is made of opportunities to increase levels of affordable housing in partnership with private developers and registered social landlords.

o Planning Policy will reflect targets within the Housing Strategy and Delivery Plans to ensure a consistent approach.

o A review of the Green Belt will be conducted to address issues of land supply, for completion by March 2008. The review will inform all future housing development.

Independent Living

To support vulnerable people in their own homes and promote independent living

o The Housing Strategy and its Delivery Plans will be aligned with the strategic objectives and priorities set out in the Supporting People Five Year Strategy. The SP strategy also sets out specific independent living objectives for all vulnerable groups provided for by the programme.

o The LSP will undertake research into the housing needs of young, disabled adults, for completion by March 2007. The information gathered will be used to develop a wider range of housing options across Bath & North East Somerset.

o Independent living will be promoted through an integrated approach to employment and transport issues.

o Access by older people to appropriate sheltered housing in all areas of Bath & North East Somerset will be improved.

o The numbers of vulnerable older or disabled people enabled to live in their own homes through grants and maintenance schemes via Home Improvement Agencies will increase from 50 to 100.

o Accommodation and support options for ex-offenders will be expanded and improved, in support of the Accommodation Pathway of the Reducing Re-offending National Action Plan.

Delivery Plans

If the Housing Strategy is to be regarded as the `What' element of local housing delivery, then the Delivery Plans represent the `How'.

They will set out how local agencies will respond to need, who will deliver what and by when. Each Delivery Plan will be based on a common template and will contain a set of SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) and performance indicators that will enable all parties to keep track of progress.

Improved Links

With the explicit link to the Community Strategy and LSP, both the Housing Strategy and the more detailed Delivery Plans will feed into partners' own business planning processes so that they are able to contribute towards achieving the goals, objectives and targets set out in the Strategy and Plans.

Partnerships developing and implementing the Delivery Plans are represented on the Housing Key Partnership thus ensuring clear links between partnerships and to the LSP, along with clear lines of accountability.

Delivery Plan

Lead Partner


Homelessness Partnership

Affordable housing

Housing & Supported Living, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Housing conditions and the private rented sector

Housing & Supported Living

Key workers


Communities and residents

Community Cohesion/Somer


University of Bath

Design & environmental quality

Royal Institute of British Architects

Planning & empty homes

Planning Policy, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Independent living

Housing & Supported Living

6. Strategic Choices

In order to meet the challenges set out above it is not enough that we continue in the manner in which we currently work. We have to move forward based on our strengths, good practice and identified need. This will mean that some difficult choices must be faced. Examples of such choices include the following:

Prioritising the supply of social housing for rent above the provision of shared ownership.

This will be necessary to address the needs of people facing homelessness and those inadequately housed. We will however acknowledge that shared ownership (or Homebuy) has a very important contribution to make to the supply of affordable housing and in particular to meet the needs of those who can neither access social renting or open market housing. We will also acknowledge the value of shared ownership to the sustainability of communities through the provision of a range of tenures in one location.

On larger developments, greater emphasis will be placed on the provision of affordable housing than other facilities.

Affordable housing is a corporate priority for the Council. Whilst strenuous efforts will be made to address sustainability issues, in order to ensure the needs of residents are met, affordable housing has to take priority over other valuable aspects of larger developments. The Council seek to use both its planning powers and its asset base to support this priority.

In the delivery of support, we will reduce spending on some services in order to protect or provide investment in others.

By targeting investment, we will ensure the continuation of those services that most closely fit the needs identified by the Supporting People 5 Year Strategy.

7. Capacity

The success of the Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset depends on our ability to deliver on the priorities it identifies. We need to bear in mind the following:

o Individual organisations will not be able to deliver on any of the priorities in isolation. We will need to continue to enhance our policies and practices to ensure that partnership working is meaningful and effective.

o Funding sources will need to be maximised. Public Service Agreements and Local Area Agreements present an opportunity to draw in new funding that could increase capacity to deliver.

o The LSP and individual member-organisations need to develop a working environment that encourages creative responses to address local problems.

Early Actions

The development of the Housing Strategy has been carried out against a backdrop of on-going work. Some of the areas identified for development are in progress at the time of writing.

The following table sets out the Housing targets from the Community Strategy and progress so far:



Use the Health Workers Housing Partnership to examine and bring forward opportunities to meet the immediate pressures for providing housing for key workers in the area

A successful bid to the South West Key Worker Challenge Fund means an extra £1.3m to help provide 60 new homes for essential workers in Bath. The scheme will provide housing for key workers to rent or partly own through shared ownership. 12 shared ownership units were completed in 2005/06. A further 41 rented and shared ownership homes are due for completion by the end of 2006/07.

Support the National Housing Federation campaign for extra funding for affordable housing in the South West

In 2006/07, the region will receive £158m to develop affordable housing. This will increase to £203m in 2007/08.

Work to reduce anti-social behaviour which prevents people enjoying their homes and communities in peace

On-going work funded by the Supporting People and voluntary grants programmes supports people to attain and sustain tenancies, reducing anti-social and criminal behaviour.