Meeting documents

Wednesday, 12th July, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 12 July 2006




Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset 2005 - 2010









List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 - The Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset 2005 - 2010

Appendix 2 - Statistical update


1.1 The Housing Strategy sets out the housing issues for local people and how organisations working in partnership will aim to address them


The Council Executive is asked to agree that:

2.1 The Local Strategic Partnership has played a key role in the development of the Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset 2005 - 2010.

2.2 The Housing Strategy be approved with the following amendments to Section 5 - What Are the Strategic Objectives for Bath & North East Somerset?:

Under Affordable Housing add the following bullet point:

The Council will promote diversity in the affordable housing market by working with a wide range of housing providers.

Under Housing Conditions and the Private Rented Sector add two new bullet points to read:

Initiatives for improving access to the private rented sector by people in housing need, such as the Homefinders Scheme, will continue to be supported and developed.

Council officers will continue to take a strategic approach to the improvement of properties in the private rented sector through pro-active, risk-based and targeted enforcement.

Under Section 6, Strategic Choices, remove the section below:

On larger developments, greater emphasis will be placed on the provision of affordable housing than other facilities.

Affordable housing is a corporate priority for the Council. Whilst strenuous efforts will be made to address sustainability issues, in order to ensure the needs of residents are met, affordable housing has to take priority over other valuable aspects of larger developments. The Council seek to use both its planning powers and its asset base to support this priority.

Replace with:

On larger developments, the importance of facilities other than affordable housing will be acknowledged.

Whilst affordable housing is a corporate priority for the Council, communities must be sustainable. This means that consideration to a range of facilities may be appropriate on larger developments.

It should also be noted that the target for new affordable housing built under s106 will remain at 30%, subject to the outcome of any directive arising from the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan Enquiry Inspector's Report (May 2006).


3.1 The Housing Strategy and associated Delivery Plans will direct Council resources and delivery in the longer term will depend on a wide range of partners and agencies aligning their financial planning with the contents of the final documents.


4.1 This section will vary with the issues but should contain all the background information required to enable the Executive member to make a decision.

The Housing Strategy will
·Put housing issues into the context of the LSP framework
·Set out and take account of regional and national priorities
·Ensure an integrated approach to partnership working by picking up on shared ambitions. For example, BE: safe targets on promoting sustainable development.

The Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset has to be seen within the following context:
·National policy
·The South West Regional Housing Strategy
·Growing housing need, including an increasing affordability gap
·Limited capital investment for new housing and a need to maximise planning gain
·The Regional Spatial Strategy and local development framework

The Strategy also sets out the drivers and context for the Strategy, the strategic choices we have made and how the Strategy will be implemented, monitored and reviewed.

4.2 The concerns of some elected members with regard to specific types of accommodation are acknowledged, in particular student housing, key workers and the delivery of general affordable housing. It should be recognised that the Housing strategy provides overall direction for housing in Bath & North East Somerset. A number of related Delivery Plans will provide specific proposals to address these concerns. It is intended that the Delivery Plans will be completed by Autumn 2006.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The 2003 Local Government Act requires local housing authorities to have in place a strategy in respect of housing related matters. Criteria issued by Government set out the format and standards to be achieved.

In 2004, Bath & North East Somerset decided to take a new direction in how local housing issues should be addressed, using the LSP as the vehicle for formulating the strategy and ensuring its' delivery. This was seen as an opportunity to develop a Housing Strategy that is more closely integrated with other local, sub-regional and regional plans and strategies.

This approach to the development of the Strategy will strengthen the existing partnership structures, both within the LSP and other forums. This is particularly important for the Council, as the body responsible for taking a strategic lead on housing issues.


7.1 None.


8.1 Executive councillor, Overview & Scrutiny Panel, Staff, Other B&NES Services, Service users, Local Service users, Local residents, Community Interest Groups, Stakeholders/Partners, Other public sector bodies

8.2 Extensive consultation has already been undertaken on the first draft of the Housing Strategy. Feedback from a wide range of stakeholders was taken into account and targets within the strategy amended and augmented as a result.

The Housing Strategy will be referred to the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel for comments and observations.

Contact person

Ann Robins - 01225 396288

Background papers
