Meeting documents

Friday, 12th July, 2002

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive



12 July 02


Twenty Year Transport Vision - Bath and North East Somerset Council



Report Author: Clive Thomas

Background Papers: Consultants Brief

Halcrow Report

Halcrow Summary Document



The development of a longer term time frame for Transport Planning is crucial to engaging the community in the Transport debate, creating a framework for action, informing Spatial Planning and delivering the step change needed to meet the needs of our area.

This report presents a 20 Year Vision fort he Principal Transportation Network in Bath and North East Somerset area and invites the Executive to consider it as a basis for wide consultation.

2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Executive;

2.1 Consider the Halcrow Report and agree it as a basis for wide consultation.

2.2 Request Overview and Scrutiny Management Board consider the report during September 2002 and advise of any view they have regarding its contents and proposals by end of October 2002.

2.3 Agree the proposals and timetable for consultation outlined in the report and appendix.

2.4 Invite the Joint Committee to consider the pressing need for a Long Term Transport Vision for the Sub Region.

3 THE REPORT: Background and Context

3.1 The Government's 10 Year Transport Plan published in 2000 and the introduction of 5 Year Local Transport Plans is a welcome step towards longer planning horizons for investing in the Transport Infrastructure in an integrated approach.

3.2 However, many would argue that the above time frames are insufficient to provide the vision needed to deliver step change and address the accumulated investment deficit in Transport infrastructure. While the Bath and North East Somerset Vision put forward by Halcrow uses a 20 year time frame arguably this should be extended to cover 30-50 year period. In the first instance it is suggested a move from 5 years to 20 years will not only capture the major issues of a longer term vision but can be re-visited to extend the time frame.

3.3 Without a 20 year vision, broken down into five year blocks it could be argued that the Council and the Government Office will focus on what can be delivered within five years rather than investments and initiatives that have considerably larger lead times.

3.4 It is a matter of fact that having developed a 20 year Vision the Council will be substantially dependent upon Governments Funding and/or Government Policy instruments to bring the Vision to reality. However, this is not a reason to shy away from the challenge as a well considered deliverable Vision supported by a community consensus is a strong basis to argue for additional resources and will allow for the long lead times required for many of the initiatives and projects.

3.5 `Doing nothing' i.e. carrying on as we are with incremental 5 year Local Transport Plans is an option. Recent research by the RAC Foundation, based upon the assumption of current levels of Government Funding, report that after allowing for `traffic being choked off' by congestion, traffic will increase by 33% over the next 30 years, journey times will rise on average by 21% and up to twice this amount at peak or moderately heavy traffic conditions.

In concluding their view on future demand for transport the RAC Foundation found `even with a significant road investment programme, combined with some form of demand management, traffic growth will continue to outstrip capacity growth leading to deteriorating road network service levels'.

This would suggest that we should confront these issues albeit locally in the context of a 20 Year Transport Vision.

3.6 It is hoped that the engagement of adjacent Councils in the debate will stimulate a wider debate regarding the absence of a sub-regional vision for our transport infrastructure.


4.1 The ability, ease and freedom of travel is a key component in most individuals quality of life as is the need for an efficient transport network to support economic performance. For this reason, and the need to engage a broad cross section of our community in the debate, it is proposed a consultation approach, which draws on the widest range of views and ideas.

4.2 The objective being to achieve a Vision which has a broad consensus while recognising the practical reality that inevitably major infrastructure investments and policy instruments will directly impact on some communities of interest. The guiding principles of approach should be those of sustainability

4.3 It is suggested that during September a series of three facilitated Workshops are arranged in Midsomer Norton, Keynsham and Bath to allow the Executive Member for Transportation to listen to and engage in a dialogue with those who have views on what the 

Council's 20 year Transport Vision should include. The timetable for consultation is suggested as follows:

· Publish Report July 2002

· Distribute to Key Shareholders 1st Week August 2002

· Meeting of Transport Forum and

Stakeholders Western Riverside During September 2002

· Overview and Scrutiny During September 2002

· Area based Workshops During September 2002

· Submission closing date 1st Week October 2002

· Summary Report of Responses Last Week October 2002

· Consideration of responses by

Executive November 2002


· Summary leaflets and reference copies of full Halcrow report available through libraries, Guildhall, Trimbridge House, Riverside, The Hollies.

· Full Halcrow Report available on website

· Circulate Summary to:

_ Town and Parish Councils.

_ Executive Members of adjacent Councils


_ Local MPs

_ Youth Forum (DAFBY)

_ Major Employers (Hospitals, Universities, MOD)

_ Initiative for Bath and North East Somerset

_ Federation of Bath Residents

_ Chambers of Commerce and Federation of Small Businesses

_ Transport and Environmental lobby Groups

_ Local Transport providers (Bus, Rail, Taxi, Road Haulage Asso, Coach Industry)

_ Action for Pensioners

_ Business Link

_ Emergency Services (Fire, Ambulance, Police)

_ Highway Agency

_ British Waterways

_ Environment Agency

_ Cycling and Pedestrian Groups

_ Students Union

_ Local Agenda 21 Group

_ Bristol Airport

Contact person


Background papers



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