Meeting documents

Wednesday, 11th October, 2006

Criteria used for Transforming Education


The five criteria were:

Standards of attainment at Key Stage 4 over a three year period, equal to or below the 25th percentile.

Standards of attainment at Key Stage 3 over a three year period, equal to or below the 25th percentile.

Standards of achievement from Key Stage 2 to 3 over a three year period, equal to or below the 25th percentile.

Standards of achievement from Key Stage 3 to 4 over a three year period, equal to or below the 25th percentile.

Standards of achievement from Key Stage 2 to 4 over a three year period, equal to or below the 25th percentile.


The six criteria were:

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 4 in Science, in line with or below national averages.

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 4 in DT, in line with or below national averages.

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 4 in PE, in line with or below national averages.

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 3 in Science, in line with or below national averages.

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 3 in DT, in line with or below national averages.

Performance over a three year period at Key Stage 3 in PE, in line with or below national averages.


The five criteria were:

The NEED to improve ICT across the curriculum identified either externally by OFSTED or internally by the LEA in the latest profile statement.

The NEED to improve ICT across the curriculum identified by the school and agreed with the school in the LEA consultant support plan.

The READINESS of the schools as indicated by commitment to the Secondary National Strategy Whole School initiative on ICTAC, or by working with the LEA as a key priority.

The READINESS of the schools as indicated by standards of attainment at Key Stage 3 already in line with national average.

The READINESS of the schools as indicated by engagement with the Secondary National Strategy ICT strand, based largely on attendance at Subject Leaders Development meetings.


The ten criteria were:

Is actively delivering on extended services agenda as evidenced from school audit returns (evidence based on PLASC returns and information recorded on TDA database):

Is delivering one element of core offer.

Is delivering two elements of core offer.

Is delivering three elements of core offer.

Is delivering four elements of core offer.

Is delivering FULL core offer of all five elements.

Readiness to engage in ES agenda. (Evidence based on Head attendance to LAP meetings, active support sought from LA officers to develop action plans)

Has actively worked in partnership with partner primary schools to deliver extended services. (Evidence based on action plans and partner activities)

Has actively and successfully sought funding in support of extended services. (Evidence based on LA standards fund application process, SEED funding and Big Lottery applications)

Has demonstrated that school has resources, capacity and skills to deliver, monitor and evaluate effectively against given criteria in action plan


The six criteria were:

Number of courses offered equal to or above specification of B&NES Framework of Expectations.

Percentage of courses Vocational in nature equal to or above specification of B&NES Framework of Expectations.

L1&2 courses 14+ equal to or above StAR 2004 recommendations.

Full member of 14-19 consortium with > 2 members.

Alignment with LA Gateway criteria identified as priority through attendance at partnership meetings or contribution to collaborative curriculum offer.

Readiness to deliver 14-19 reforms measured against DFES red/amber/green indicators in progress check documents.