Meeting documents

Wednesday, 11th October, 2006

APPENDIX 3: Membership of the Local Area Agreement Project Board

Councillor Paul Crossley (Chair)

Bath & North East Somerset Council Executive member

Councillor Jonathan Gay

Bath & North East Somerset Council Executive member

Councillor Francine Haeberling

Bath & North East Somerset Council Executive member

Councillor David Dixon

Bath & North East Somerset Council non- Executive member

Councillor Charles Gerrish

Bath & North East Somerset Council non- Executive member

Rhona Macdonald, Chief Executive

Bath & North East Somerset PCT

Chief Superintendent Olivia Pinkney, District Commander

Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Janice Fortune, Chief Officer Bath and North East Somerset CVS

Bath & North East Somerset Voluntary Sector Forum

Ronnie Wright, Voluntary Sector Co-ordinator, the Care Forum

Bath & North East Somerset Voluntary Sector Forum

Alan Ward, Chief Executive, Somer Housing Group

The Local Strategic Partnership

Peter Duppa-Miller, Secretary, Bath & North East Somerset Local Councils Group

The Local Strategic Partnership