Meeting documents

Wednesday, 11th October, 2006

BWR SPD Council Executive 11 October 2006

Dear Executive Member

In respect of the agenda item on BWR SPD which you are being asked to approve, I wish to say that Allotments Association is extremely grateful for the change of heart that, subject to your approval, will save 11 allotments and the fragmentation of an established allotment community.

However, I wish to alert you to that we as consultees were notified of this decision-making agenda item only on Monday and thus too late to book to speak to you. It concerns me that others may be in the same boat, particularly as it is typical of the top-down approach that has left us sidelined since 2003 (details available on request). Our key concern at this stage is that the whole of our representation regarding allotment provision for the new residents has been altogether omitted from the officers' report before you.

Our summary case for changes was:

That the proposed north-south green link through the allotments is removed.

That the SPD fully identifies locations, funding, and safeguarding mechanisms for new allotment provision, and indicates a likely phasing sequence, prior to Council Executive approval.

The former has been fully addressed; but the latter has not been mentioned.

I invite you therefore to consider asking the relevant O and S Panel to scrutinise how much else has been omitted, before considering approval, and to relay back to you the substance of the omissions.

I have asked Cllr Crossley if I may say the above. You will appreciate that I am outside the 'booking' time for the reason given above, hence this email, in case I am not permitted. I attach the detail of this part of our case in case you wish to refer to it.

I have copied in the ward councillors, and the two committee members who are on email and who have plots at Lower Common.

Thank you,

Helen Woodley