Meeting documents

Wednesday, 11th January, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




11th January 2006



Proposed Financial Plan (2006/07 onwards) -Update




EWP 01191




List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1: The Report - Further Update to follow

Appendix 2: Suggested response to ODPM consultation

Appendix 3: WorkSMART - Save to Invest

Appendix 4: Timetable and Progress


1.1 This report updates the financial outlook for the coming years in the light of the provisional financial settlement.

1.2 The report seeks to update the Executive on the key issues in order that consideration of the issues raised can inform policy deliberations and consideration of the Corporate Plan and the Council's Financial Plan over the next month. Work on the Financial Plan and the Government's financial settlement are ongoing and further reports will be presented to the Council Executive and Council in February as part of the process leading to the setting of the 2006/07 budget and Council Tax.

1.3 One of the key issues arising from the Government's financial settlement is the clear expectation on the part of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) that average Council Tax rises should be below 5% in each of the next two years.

1.4 The implications of the current Financial Plan targets and moving to a 5% Council Tax increase (compared to a 6% increase in the current Financial Plan) will be reported in broad terms in an update to this report (as Appendix 1).

1.5 The outcome of the Capital Review will also be incorporated in the reports to the February Executive and Council.

1.6 This update focuses on 2006/07. However, the further work required also includes revising the 3 year financial plan and providing an indicative Council Tax for 2007-08.


The Council Executive is asked to:

2.1 Note the key issues and pressures (contained in Appendix 1 - To Follow) it needs to consider when recommending a Financial Plan and budget to Council in February 2006 in the context of the Council's Corporate Plan and the further work is required to facilitate decision making.

2.2 Note that Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel will wish to consider the progress on the Corporate Plan and Financial Plan at its meeting of 26 January.

2.3 To approve the response to the consultation by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) on the provisional financial settlement as contained in Appendix 2.

2.4 To endorse at this stage the revised approach to the WorkSMART initiative as set out in Appendix 3.


3.1 The subject of this report is the Financial Plan and therefore, financial implications are contained throughout the report (and Appendix 1 - To Follow).



4.1 The Council's Corporate Plan and Improvement Priorities are reflected in the Financial Plan. The Financial Plan integrates service, corporate and financial plans in order to explicitly link service and financial planning decisions, demonstrating clearly that resources are allocated in accordance with the Council's Corporate Plan. In considering its budget and Council Tax proposals for 2006/07 and Financial Plan for 2007/08 and 2008/09, the Executive and the Council will need to strike a balance between the interests of service users, the community in general and those of the Council Tax payer.

4.2 This report provides an update on the Council's financial situation for 2006/07 including the impact of the 2006/07 grant settlement (Appendix 1 - To Follow).

4.3 The key issues are:

Financial Settlement (See Appendix 1 - To Follow)

A8 The provisional grant settlement includes a £1.2m (3.9%) increase in non-schools formula grant from a notional £30.8m to £32m. This is broadly in line with expectations under the old formula and Financial Plan targets at a 6% Council Tax increase. However, the new formula to calculate Council's non-schools grant should have meant the Council receiving an extra £4.6m but £3.4m has been deducted to fund Councils who have lost under the new formula. This is equivalent to 5.4% in Council Tax terms or approximately £53 p.a. on a Band D property.

A8 The schools' budget is now funded separately by the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) which has increased by £4.6m (5.8%) to £84.6m.

A8 The settlement is for 2 years with non schools grant increasing by £1.8m (6.6%) in 2007/08 to £31.8m and DSG increasing by £4.7m (5.6%) in 2007-08.

A8 The Government expects Council Tax increases of less than 5% in each of the next 2 years, warning Councils of its willingness to use its capping powers.

A8 The draft response to the ODPM's consultation is attached at Appendix 2.

The Current Financial Plan

A8 The implications of the settlement on the current Financial Plan includes not being able to continue the Council's policy of tempering growth in Education as the DSG is ring-fenced. If the Council could have agreed a further year of "tempering growth" this would have had a financial impact of approximately £700k.

A8 The Executive and the Council is advised to adjust its Financial Plan for 2006-07 and 2007-08 to limit Council Tax increases to at or below 5% if it wishes to avoid the risk of capping.

A8 In meeting the current Financial Plan targets there may be significant service implications and difficult choices. These will need to be considered alongside the Council's Corporate Plan priorities.

A8 The Financial Plan currently has a shortfall of approximately £1.1m to meet a Council Tax rise slightly below 5%. This has arisen largely from a change to a 5% Council Tax rise (£600k), increased utility costs and inflation (£300k) and some provision for WorkSMART on a Save to Invest basis (£200k). Directors, HoS working with the Executive will be identifying savings options to meet this shortfall in order to meet a Council Tax increase below 5%.

Other Significant Issues

A8 There have been discussions with the Schools Forum about sharing any gain to the Council from the switch to the Dedicated Schools Grant which may arise from the Council spending above FSS. It is uncertain at this stage whether the Council has gained from this change (and others) in the underlying formula. What is certain, however, is that the clawback of the grant gain (from £4.6m to £1.2m) makes it unlikely that the Council can proceed with the proposal. The total grant increase is £1.2m. The original proposal to share any gain involved a total of £1.2m (£400k to schools; £400k for capital unsupported borrowing and £400k to the taxpayer). The Council Executive and the Council will also need to consider both the revenue and capital contributions to schools in the round at their February meetings. The Executive Members for Learning and Resources will be meeting with the Schools Forum on 23 January 2006 to discuss the issue.

A8 The full implementation of WorkSMART, with an initial short/medium term cost of £1.2m for the first 2-3 years before savings begin to accrue, cannot be accommodated without further service reductions. It is proposed to move the project from an Invest to Save basis to a Save to Invest basis. This is outlined in Appendix 3. The principle is for the current team to identify savings to fund the short/medium term revenue costs from 2007-08, develop a detailed and robust implementation plan, and (subject to savings being found in 2006-07) piloting the initiative to verify and evaluate savings and gains in productivity.

A8 Notwithstanding the £1.1m shortfall the plan relies on an additional £15m of capital receipts in 2005-06 in order to reduce unsupported borrowing. These receipts are still uncertain. The February meeting of the Council Executive will receive an update on the position, including a fallback position.

A8 The capitalisation of Spa Claims Management Costs in 2005-06 has been rejected for the second time by the ODPM. A meeting has been requested with the ODPM. The fallback position for the Council is to fund this from reserves in 2005-06 and to make provision within the revenue budget to repay the sum over 5 years.

A8 There is no provision for the impact of single status in 2007-08. In effect this means that increased costs will need to be met by either corresponding mitigation, increased charging (where this does not affect the Council's non schools budget) or corresponding service reductions.


5.1 A risk assessment related to the key issues and recommendations will be undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance. This will be in the form of a Robustness and Risk Reviews by the relevant Director.

5.2 The Resources Director will, on the basis of these Reviews and other arrangements, report to the Council on the Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Reserves as required under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003.

5.3 Service Plans and all major Projects are also subject to separate Risk Registers.


6.1 This report presents sets out the current known context for the review of the financial plan, progress to date and the process and timetable going forward to February 2006.


7.1 This report contains information about the Council's financial outlook in the context of the corporate planning process. The options to meet the targets are being considered as part of the service planning and consultation process within those plans. The results of this consultation will be included in the recommendations made by this Executive to Council in February. Options considered at that time will be concerned with the level of changes to the level of Council tax and the level of services provided by the Council.


8.1 The Service changes proposed will be subject to consultation with partners, unions, staff and clients as proposals are formulated and considered by services. In addition consultation is being undertaken on the Corporate Plan review (of which the financial plan is one part) in January with the Trade Unions, the Local Strategic Partnership and the Local Chambers of Commerce.

Contact person

Richard Szadziewski, Interim Head of Strategic Resource Planning 01225 477468

Anne Feakes, Resources Planning Manager 01225 477320

Background papers

Corporate Plan

Financial Plan working files

Capital Programme Review, Report to Council 17th November 2005 (Agenda Item 9)

Financial Planning Process 2006/07 onwards, Report to the Council's Executive, 7th September 2005

Financial Planning Process 2006/07 Onwards, Report to the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel, 27th October 2005

APPENDIX 1 - The Report - To Follow

APPENDIX 2 - Draft Response to ODPM Consultation on the proposed 2006/07 and 2007/08 Financial Settlement

The Council welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Government's consultation on the provisional grant settlement. The Council's response is focused on the key issues rather than the technical detail. The Council wish the Secretary of State to consider seriously the following issues:

A8 The overall level of funding for local authorities compared to the service and cost pressures faced locally and imposed centrally without due regard to cost or the impact on the local Council Taxpayer.

A8 Bath & North East Somerset Council has consistently made representations about being a low funded authority. While it recognises there are relative needs to be accommodated between authorities, the differences in funding have always appeared too wide and unjustified. This is once again reflected in the per pupil funding for schools within the DSG. However, it is virtually impossible to tell whether this continues to be the case on other services.

A8 The formula review is a missed opportunity to correct the historical unfunding in the area. On the one hand the new formula recognises the historical under-funding of the area but at the same time the Council's grant increase of £4.6m has been scaled back to £1.2m. The scaling of £3.4m is equivalent to 5.4% in Council Tax terms or £53 on a Band D property in our area.

A8 While the Council recognises the decision by Government to scale back grant increases to Councils such as Bath & North East Somerset (who should have received a much greater amount of non-schools grant) in order to pay for the floor, it nonetheless creates a major distortion particularly given other significant pressures on Councils (and non-schools funding) and the threat of capping. Furthermore, there needs to be a very clear (3 year) tapering out of the floor so that the Councils who lose out over the formula have time to adjust, and that other Councils benefit from their full entitlement to grant increases under the new formula.

A8 The Council is disappointed with the formula changes in Social Services, given the demands on those services, not least of all integration with health and the priority put on those services by Government White papers. In particular, services where locally the Council already needs to spend 10% above the old FSS, the options chosen increase this inequality further.

A8 The new formula is:

2D Not transparent or simple;

2D Inexplicable to Members, the public and other stakeholders;

2D Open to arbitrary judgement at a national level with no reference to the impact at a local level; and

2D So complex and obscure, making it difficult to engage Government as a partner in the issues affecting vital local services.

A8 The Council would urge the Lyons Review to address the issues outlined here in a clear and comprehensible way that improves accountability.

Despite this Council having a good track record of achieving yearly efficiency gains, it will now be compromised in its future plans and budgets by this settlement, capping restrictions and will have no choice but to curtail local plans and services.

APPENDIX 3 - WorkSMART - The Way Forward

WorkSMART has been approved in principle by both Directors Group and by the formal Executive.

The revenue effects of implementing WorkSMART as originally planned are not affordable in the short term. In the longer term the initiative, robustly implemented, has the potential to produce savings, improve productivity and service delivery. The proposal below recognises these resource constraints and proposes a pragmatic approach to delivering the project in a different way. This approach involves a slightly longer timescale but has many advantages, including:-

> savings identified, tested and to some extent delivered before investment is made

> greater certainty and confidence in financial planning and realising project outcomes

> greater Service consultation and `buy-in'

> minimising the impacts of this major change project as the organisation restructures

> identifying savings that can be delivered to fund the short term costs of WorkSMART

> greater opportunities to challenge ways of working recognising potential technology options

> allow time for competencies, the culture development project and HR tools (e.g. revised performance appraisal) to roll out thus preparing the ground for this project

The table below compares the original Invest to Save approach to the proposed Save to Invest approach.

Save To Invest

Invest To Save

4/5 yr prog

3/4 yr prog

Greater testing of outcomes and certainty in financial planning

Savings identified as implementation rolled out

Identifying source and extent of savings in advance

Uncertainty in financial planning

Conversations on service changes take place in support of newly formed organisation - allowing new structure to settle

Major change (on top of restructuring) delivered en masse

Generate support for project and evolutionary approach to culture change

Groundswell has to be developed whilst Single Status being negotiated

2 or 3 pilots to test and verify savings projections, test policies and procedures and build groundswell

Implementation pilots (bigger scale, large investment)

Staff and TU consultation on introducing flexibility and policies and procedures formalised; not adopted

Consultation and negotiation completed to introduce flex & policies adopted

Works in progress to reduce paper and e-holdings by 50%

Introduce EDRMS & reduce filing holdings

Continue technology investigations - join -up with ICT Strategy action plan on data/voice e.g. VOiP and wireless develops

Connectivity for flex workers away from the office (mainly broadband)

Resolve data centre decision (HBS and partnership decision) which affects this project

Introduction of Landing Sites

Stop Property market discussions

New build site negotiated, design agreed and developer instructed

> Consultation internal and external on new building design but design spec not agreed

> Consultation on spatial standard with TU's and staff and standard adopted


Deliverables next fin year

> Identifying the savings which are possible to fund short term costs of WorkSMART

> Detailed project plan, including phased programme showing what happens, when and where and what are the savings as part of implementation

> Revised cost and benefit analysis.

> Subject to savings being made available in 2006-07 piloting "for real" 2-3 areas of the Council to verify and evaluate savings, increased productivity and service improvement.

APPENDIX 4 - Timetable


Activity (and update)


Chief Executive review of service plans

Grant settlement known (announced 5th December 2005).

Conclusion of member working groups and Projects Programme Board (PPB) review.


Report to Executive on financial outlook and main issues arising

Executive preparing draft corporate plan update and Budget, drawing from the Improvement Priority (IP) plans, draft service and resource plans and member working groups. (For Executive February 8h 2005).

Engagement with Overview & Scrutiny (O&S) panels, to address issues arising from the corporate plan review generally or from specific service and resource plans, to enable O&S comments to be fed into full Council.


Presentation of corporate plan update and Budget to Executive (2nd February 2006) and then full Council (21st February 2006)


Finalisation of Improvement Priority plans and Service & Resource Plans 93spring94 document for approval by Executive Members via the Weekly List