Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th July, 2003


Nick Lacey, Team Leader: Parents' Services

PO Box 25, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1DN

Telephone : (01225) 394307 Facsimile : (01225) 394299

E Mail :

Your ref:

Our ref: NL/

10 June 2003

To the Headteachers of all Primary schools

Dear Colleague,

Defining a `rural' primary school

Included with this letter is some information entitled "Defining a `rural' primary school". The definition given by the DfES was not very helpful and so we needed to find a way to define which of our schools are rural and which are not.

You will see from the information that certain wards and the schools in those wards were excluded from the process because they were densely populated areas. You will also see a series of criteria used to help define a `rural' school. These criteria were used because we felt that they were appropriate areas to consider. Finally you will see a list of schools which the criteria produced when applied.

We would like to know if you feel that the process is fair and robust and that the schools which have been identified are appropriate.

I would be grateful if you would spend a few moments looking at the information included and then if you would respond to the questions on the final page of this letter. I would be grateful if you could make your response by Friday 20th June as Bruce Austen needs to prepare papers which include your comments and circulate these in readiness for a Schools Organisation Committee meeting in July.

Please feel free to email your responses or return them by post if you prefer.

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Lacey

Team Leader Parents' Services

Defining a `rural' primary school

The DfES has given the following definition to a `rural' school:-

All schools are `rural' unless they are obviously not so.'

Whilst this definition of a `rural' school is somewhat vague, it is possible to apply it to certain areas of Bath & North East Somerset which are densely populated. As a result the following Wards have been taken out of consideration and schools within those wards are deemed not to be `rural' schools.

Bath Keynsham Midsomer Norton/Radstock

Abbey Keynsham East Midsomer Norton North

Bathwick Keynsham North Midsomer Norton Redfield

Combe Down Keynsham South Radstock

Kingsmead Westfield


Lansdown Other areas

Lyncombe Paulton

Newbridge Saltford

Odd Down Peasedown








A set of criteria has been applied to primary schools within the following wards to determine if they were `rural'.

Bathavon North

Bathavon South

Bathavon West

Chew Valley North

Chew Valley South



High Littleton


Publow & Whitchurch


Criteria used to determine if a school is `rural'.

1. The parish in which the school is situated has a population of fewer than 1,500.

2. There are no more than two primary schools situated within a ward.

3. The nearest primary school is more than 1 mile away.

4. There are fewer than 150 pupils on roll at the school.

5. Transport is provided because routes to the school are considered to be hazardous.

The criteria were applied to the following schools:-

Bathampton Primary

Batheaston CofE VC Primary

Bathford CofE VC Primary

Bishop Sutton Primary

Cameley CofE VC Primary

Camerton CofE VC Primary

Chew Magna Primary

Chew Stoke CofE VA Primary

Clutton Primary

East Harptree CofE VC Primary

Farmborough CofE VC Primary

Farrington Gurney CofE VC Primary

Freshford CofE VC Primary

High Littleton CofE VC Primary

Marksbury CofE VC Primary

Pensford Primary

St Julian's CofE VC Primary

St Mary's CofE VC Primary Timsbury

St Mary's CofE VC Primary Writhlington

Shoscombe CofE VA Primary

Stanton Drew Primary

Swainswick CofE VC Primary

Ubley CofE VC Primary

Whitchurch Primary School was the only school not considered under these criteria despite being the only other school in the same ward as Pensford Primary School. This was because the school is situated in a densely populated area which continues across the border into Bristol and is clearly `suburban' and not `rural'.

The decision was taken that schools should meet at least three of the five criteria used and the outcome was as follows:-

Criteria to determine `rural' primary schools

Schools which meet 3 or more criteria

Name of School

Parish population fewer than 1,500

No more than 2 schools in ward

Nearest school more than 1 mile away

Fewer than 150 on roll

Transport provided because of hazardous routes


Bathampton Primary



Batheaston CofE VC Primary



Bathford CofE VC Primary



Bishop Sutton Primary



Cameley CofE VC Primary



Camerton CofE VC Primary



Chew Magna Primary



Chew Stoke CofE VA Primary



Clutton Primary



East Harptree CofE VC Primary



Farmborough CofE VC Primary



Farrington Gurney CofE VC Primary



Freshford CofE VC Primary



High Littleton CofE VC Primary



Marksbury CofE VC Primary



Pensford Primary



St Julian's CofE VC Primary



St Mary's CofE VC Primary Tims.



St Mary's CofE VC Primary Writh.



Shoscombe CofE VA Primary



Stanton Drew Primary



Swainswick CofE VC Primary



Ubley CofE VC Primary


The following primary schools are therefore deemed to be `rural'.

Bishop Sutton Primary

Cameley CofE VC Primary

Camerton CofE VC Primary

Chew Magna Primary

Chew Stoke CofE VA Primary

Clutton Primary

East Harptree CofE VC Primary

Farmborough CofE VC Primary

Farrington Gurney CofE VC Primary

Freshford CofE VC Primary

High Littleton CofE VC Primary

Marksbury CofE VC Primary

Pensford Primary

St Julian's CofE VC Primary

St Mary's CofE VC Primary Timsbury

Shoscombe CofE VA Primary

Stanton Drew Primary

Swainswick CofE VC Primary

Ubley CofE VC Primary

Defining a `rural' primary school - questionnaire

Name of school responding ......

1. Do you agree that it was fair to omit some wards from consideration and that schools in certain wards only were considered?

Yes · No ·

If your answer is `No' please give reasons and suggest alternatives.

2. Do you feel that the criteria used are appropriate considering the schools which have been identified?

Yes · No ·

If your answer is `No' please give reasons and suggest alternatives.

3. Do you agree that the schools listed are the appropriate schools to be deemed `rural'?

Yes · No ·

If your answer is `No' please give reasons and suggest alternatives.

Thank you for your help and for the time spent completing this questionnaire. Please return it by Friday 20th June to or by post.